Sunil George

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since Apr 04, 2006
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Recent posts by Sunil George

We have an Application which is Hosted in a clustered environment with Apache web server as load balencer and Two Tomcat Instances on different Windows machines as web containers. We are missing the session object once the request is moving from one server to another. I think it might be some configuration problem. Can anyone help to solve this?
Any help will be really Appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
17 years ago
I have cleared SCWCD with 91%
Currently I using Struts 1.1. But still the problem persist? Any change needed in config file?
18 years ago
Now I working on a struts application. I want to change the form enctype to "multipart/form-data" for uploding some file to server. After this the request.getParameter() give only NULL values? How could i solve this to get the request.getParameter() values in action.

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
I want extract style data from a rtf template and using this i want to create new rtf documents. Any options available?
18 years ago
I want to convert a ms word document into xml format with maximum possible information(means text, fonts, style, layout). I want to create rtf files based on these information later. Could you suggest any java tool for this.

Thanks in advance,

18 years ago
Currently I am working with a struts application. i want read/write ms word document. I want use apache poi.hwpf. Could anyone give some example how to use it to read a simple ms word document

Thanks and Regards

18 years ago
Is it ok using Jakarta POI for read/write the document?
18 years ago
Currently I am working on a struts application. As part of the development I want to create letters in .rtf format based on a template. The template is stored in a web server folder. I want to open this document and modify its values by the data base values. I want to create multiple copy of this document based on how many vlues in db. I plan to use iText package for it. I am new to iText. When I searched in web i get helps only creating documents from scratch. No examples get where the documents are reading and replacing values with java objects. Could anyone help me on this. I want know how could i read the exising document and replace the document contents by values in java objects.

Thanks in advance,
Sunil George
18 years ago
I want help in parsing the template markup and creating the rtf
18 years ago
Currently I am working on a Java based applivation. I want to write a rutine to create letters in rtf format based on a template. The template contains text in different font and font style. The template contains fields like <Name>, <Address> <Salutation> which will be replaced by the values in java objects which get from data base. At a time it need to create multiple letters based on this template. Could you suggest a way to do it? Or give any examples?

Thanks in advance

Sunil George
18 years ago
I am working in a Java Web Based application. Now I want to upload a letter template in MS Word(.doc) format into the database(in BLOB type in Oracle). Later I want to create letters based on this template in DB in .rtf format. I am new to this type of work. Could you suggest how can I extract the word template using java code and store it into db?

Thanks in advance,

Sunil George
18 years ago
I want to create rtf document letters in a given template using java code. The template is uploaeded to web server in rtf,.doc, or .pdf format. I want create the letters to multiple recipients in .rtf format and seave it in a temp location in web server,and can be open in a browser.
18 years ago
Now I am working in a struts application with Tomcat as web server and JBOSS as app server. I want to cache some data in webserver based on some key and later i want to rertieve them using the same key. I am not familier with data caching. Could anyone help me what is the best way of data caching in server and later retrieving?

Thanks & Regards

18 years ago
Thank you all for your messages. Have any performance issue using validator?
18 years ago