Sekhar Chand

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since Apr 05, 2006
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Recent posts by Sekhar Chand

Hi Jolly,

Thank you very much for the suggestion.

I think it helps me a lot.

Thanks and Regards
Hi EveryBody,

I want to prepare for SCDJWS 5.

I havent got any experience in Webservices or soap or xml.
But I have got more than 3 years experience in Java and Java web applications.
Instead of going for SCWCD I want to go for SCDJWS.

So now, I need some help guys.
I have some questions please reply to those.

1) Do I need to have any experience in web services development or in SOAP.

2) Can I go and download Ivan's and MZ's material and prepare for exam according to the exam objectives.
Or Do I need to read any other topic to get pre knowledge of the things.

3) Give me any other suggestion that I didnt ask here.

4) How many months does it take to prepare for exam with out having any experience in this.

Thanks and Regards

Hi Bear,

First of all sorry for my mistake.
I am using just JSP Model 1 framework and so session is a implicit variable.
So i am using session to get session.Code is like this

session = request.getSession(true);

this one is executing only once when ever user login successfully.
I am not creating any variables.
Just using implicit objects.
Is it a problem.

Thanks and Regards
16 years ago
I am working on a web application in JSP model 1, which includes another jsp file as html form with values from bean defined in the parent JSP file, and posts request back to parent JSP to process the request. This JSP page has session data mixed up problem and I could not find what's wrong in the code.
I was searching whole day but i didnt get the correct solution.
If two users submitting values at the same time, session is mixing up and first userid getting second userid values
Please try to solve this as soon as possible

Thanks and regards
[ May 26, 2008: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
16 years ago
how can we do sorting the table , do we need to use third party tools or which id we have to use to sort out that sorting problem
Hi Cameron,
Is that type of framework works for every projects means if we have so many users online,
and submitting page same time.
Lets think about the soccer tickets online booking or India and pakisthan cricket online booking.
Can we use your framework for those types of projects.
I donot know my question is relevant to this thread or not.

thanks in advance
oh thank you very much greg
16 years ago
So the your ajax implementation is just like Google implemenetation.
Did you implement history also.
I am new to Wicket, how many days it will take to learn this new framework.
Will it solves all the business needs like ajax and every thing.POpup, parent windows, ajax calls,rendering the list, pagination, sort
I think it will be better if we choose Struts 2.0 in which we plug in as many as third party tools.
thanks Greg, but can you tell me which is better
16 years ago
I want to know the difference betweeb OGNL and JSTL.
We decided to use EL in our project, but we came to know these two EL are gud.
Among these two which will be good.
Thanks In Advance
16 years ago

i have to write one comparator for On bean(A).
But that bean contains, some other beans(B,C,D.....) as instance variables.
So can anybody tell me how to write comparator for that bean(A),
so that properties in B,C,D also have to be compared

Thanks in advance
17 years ago
sorry for the late reply
please give me the relevant solution
17 years ago