Raghav Sam

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 12, 2001
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Recent posts by Raghav Sam

Okay, my question is, if I leave the company or the company exits from this program, how will M$ know this or in other ways, will it try to track (thru internet) my leaving the company and somehow disable the s/w (greedy me.. ). May be, I should check with my company itself. I was just checking if somebody had enrolled and had any such incidents. Thanks for all your responses.
17 years ago
The software is already a fully licensed version, so I don't think I need to buy a full license again if I leave. Is it not more of an obligation to stop using the s/w rather than being forced to do it?
17 years ago
It sounds too good to be true! Through my employment, I can get the whole of Microsoft Office suite for $20. Is there any catch or has M$ opened up a charity?
17 years ago
Africa is still, by large, a dark continent!
17 years ago
Butterscotch any time!
17 years ago
Which IDE are you using? May be it already supports debugging.
There are some JSP debug tools. But I didn't find a free one. You can try these links (free trial)
1.Eclipse plugin
17 years ago
Not sure if this Q belongs to this forum:

To find the encoding of a particular table or schema in DB2 the following queries help:

But how to find the version of the encoding, i.e., if it is UTF-8 or UTF-16?
If you are reading this thread and all other threads in MD, probably you are in bench!


If you see more of this instead of this then you have no work.
[ June 18, 2007: Message edited by: Raghav Sam ]
17 years ago
Minimum 8hrs. Less than that and I am not upto level best!
17 years ago
Some useful stuff here. If you have McAfee (or even Norton) installed, it too offers some parental control options. I havent tried it though. Instead of going for a new s/w, your existing virus protection s/w itself could offer some help.
[ June 14, 2007: Message edited by: Raghav Sam ]
17 years ago
Never used Safari, but the looks are cool. Will wait for a stable release to try it on my XP m/c.
17 years ago
Official Site
Wiki page
Rajini's site reviews
Looks like it is going to be a blockbuster movie once again after Chandramukhi!!
[ June 13, 2007: Message edited by: Raghav Sam ]
17 years ago
Did you mean VLC Media player which I already mentioned in my prev post? I am not able to find anything for VNC Media player.
17 years ago
Many people also type Iam as if it were a single word
17 years ago
There are few other players left which I could use:
Windows Media Player(which I dread to open due to obvious reasons)
WinAmp (I used to like the 2.x versions-simple and did the job well...but I lost interest in later versions)
Then there is the Google player..

On the contrary, I didnt like the earlier versions of Real. But now, it is the only reliable player for me. In all this may be the GUI interface has also a role to play. At work I use only VLC player. Just wondering why I didnt install this at home Have to get it. Just about plays anything without downloading additional s/w.
17 years ago