Krithika Srinath

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since Apr 11, 2006
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Recent posts by Krithika Srinath

Can you give details on how are you loading the data in your jsp page..? What kind of problem you are facing with export?
17 years ago
If Portal is not the kind of solution you are looking for, why not use simply html frames along with include action/directive? Do you see any issues with it..?
17 years ago

Before line 9 all instance variables gets initialized.

So, at line 9 it prints 28.

In the above sentence it should be line 13 and not 9... rest of the explanation seems fine.
take a look at this faq.
17 years ago
why not use request.setAttribute(String, Object) method to store your list object in request context?
17 years ago
You can try using JSP Javascript integration taglib. See this link for more details.
You can try using JSP Javascript integration taglib. See this link for more details.
17 years ago
The equals & hashcode method in Object class is little tricky to implement. The best place to understand this is to go through the API.

Do let me know if you need any more clarifications after going through the API description and I'm happy to explain it further.
Tomcat is a Web Server with its main functionality as Servlet container. If you are looking for SMTP services, then you might need to configure mail server for these services. Take a look at Apache's james server.

Hope this helps.
17 years ago
Which version of JDK and Windows you are using? There is bug with JDK 1.4.1 with XP on traversing in JTabbedPane. Check this out. Not sure you are hitting this bug.
All The Best.
17 years ago
You can check whether browser encoding is set to UTF-8, from Edit -> Encoding(in IE not sure about the menu structure in other browsers). If not set that as well. However, as I have mentioned in my previous posts, I am suspecting that your app/web server is not configured for Arabic language.
17 years ago
J2EE is broad by itself. Though the examples you have provided does makes sense, ideally J2EE is used when your application needs
- to scale
- be secured
- involves heavy transactions
- needs object to be persisted in relational database

Thats just a small part and there are much more to explore for you as a newb.. All The Best.
Co-variant is a feature in Java 5 and the code is perfectly valid (will compile successfully) if you are using JDK 5.

Go through this article. It explains what co-variants are with good examples.
I wonder whether you got to know any solutions for this..! If yes, can you also share with us? - thanks.
17 years ago
You cannot have a variable declared as abstract in java. What is your requirement? Why do you need abstract variable? Can you provide more details?