Mike Himstead

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since Apr 12, 2006
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I'm looking for a web resource dealing with modern web layouting with CSS. Our team uses a JSF component framework (ICEFaces) but currently lacks CSS knowledge. Does anyone know of such a site?
12 years ago

I'm looking for a tool which can call a web service and receive and display the response. The web service in question is a REST service accepting a JSON string; if the tool can handle more than that it's fine but not a must. Can you recommend me free tool?
13 years ago

I'm looking for a good online ressource about Scrum with descriptions about the Scrum-specific roles and how they interact. I'd like to read something beyond the scope of Wikipedia, if possible with hints or experiences how a Scrum development team works best with the customer.
Hi Mark,

got the time to figure it out, it was pretty easy once I know what to look for. I inject my services into the managed beans which seems to be a very easy approach well suited for small projects; I'm fine with it. One thing I have to figure out now is how to call backing bean methods directly (like I would call a Struts action) to retrieve data from database before accessing the JSP, but that's a total different story unrelated to Spring and JSF.
14 years ago
I'm not around my own computer now, so I can't try it right now. One question comes to my mind, though: wouldn't the two life cycles still interfere if I use the services as backing beans? Spring creates the services but the JSF life cycle recreates them with each request (when in request scope)?
14 years ago

I'm migrating a small Struts 1 application to a JSF application. Tthe application at hand uses Spring to inject its dependencies between action classes, services, DAOs and JUnit classes. I created backing beans to hold the request parameters a user might enter and a controller method (e. g. a method called save to persist user input). Honestly I'm lost about how to combine Spring's DI and the bean's JSF life cycle. I can't inject the service into the bean as the bean will be recreated for each request. For the very same reason I can't inject the backing bean to the service (which would be conceptionally wrong anyways). The Struts approach had the action classes as a seperate tier: the action classes were Spring beans. I could (re-)create this tier by hand, but I'd like to know if there's a simpler approach.
14 years ago

will there be a fundamental JSF introduction in the book or is the book more targeted at the advanced level?
15 years ago
Ok, so far my search returned this: there should be a way to configure a "Web Library Project", allegedly by double-clicking on web.xml which shows the Web Deployment Descriptor. Unfortenately my RAD doesn't show the settings usually mentioned in the "solutions" I found.

for debugging and test purposes of an external library (I have access to the library's source code) I'd like to "link" and use the source instead of the compiled jar in my local project. The project is a web application deployed to a local Websphere application server. The biuld path is configured correctly, the IDE (I use Rational Application Developer 7) shows no compile errors. Nonetheless the web project can't be accessed because the jar's content aren't accessible at runtime. How can I make the library's source "appear to be in WEB-INF/lib" at runtime?

I hope I described my problem clear enough.

I'm looking for a way to mark several input fields on a webpage by mouse and copy the input fields' content to clipboard. Is this possible at all? The only usable technique I have in mind is JavaScript, but I don't know if can access the operating system's clipboard from within a browser. Any ideas or hints are appreciated.
Hi David,

thanks for your advice, I reworded a few sentences in my previous post. The JSP is very long, I know, but I didn't want to leave out anything since I have no clue what's wrong here and I didn't want to cut out anything important. The main parts are a div containing text fields (->search filters) followed by a status bar and several "containers" (->divs) which structure the page. The containers show the search results. If I remove the containers from line 252 to 723 the actions work, if I put them back I get the mentioned exception. The action is not called when submitting the form (I debugged that), thus the exception isn't thrown by the action itself but by Struts' internal logic. I was thinking of a missing tag or something, but I couldn't find any.
15 years ago

I experience a strange problem in my Struts 1.3.10 application. Basically I get the following exception if I try to invoke one of my dispatch actions:

My (shortened) struts-config:

My (shortened) action:

The action's abort method is never called, I verified this in debug mode. The JSP calling the action looks like this:

As you can see we use JS onclicks to determine the dispatch action's method to call. Funny: if I remove the whole content of div "tab2" (from line 252 to 723, basically many divs marking specific areas ion the JSP) the appropriate action is called, so there must be a simple, stupid mistake I make in that area. I would expect the thrown exception if I forgot to define a form bean in struts-config or something basic like that, but the definition is there. Accessing the form and its content in general is possible as well since I can read the form bean's properties by EL. Any hints are appreciated.
15 years ago
Forget my previous post, I guess I was bitten by a hot code replacement problem while deploying / debugging Glassfish. The basic problem still remains: the setters are definately called with a valid object and the dependency is properly set, I can see this using debug mode. But when using the class in question the dependency is null giving a NPE. Since I extended DI setting action dependencies as well I get the NPE earlier now in the action.

My web.xml looks like this:

My context looks like this by now:

The action:

Could this be an initialization sequence issue? What I have in mind is that Spring sets the dependencies but the objects are garbage collected afterwards due to a lack of references.
15 years ago
Very good suggestion, should have thought of that by myself. I debbuged the setter, it is called two times. First time with an object, the seccond time null is passed in, thus explaining why nameDao is null at runtime. But why is it called two times anyway?
15 years ago