Fred Abbot

Ranch Hand
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since Jun 01, 2000
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Recent posts by Fred Abbot

Thank you, It seems everything is built on top of Junit. I just can'tget any info on how Junit really works how deos one write a testcase and implement through Junit.
19 years ago
I have been tasked with researching and selecting a tool for teseting our java applications. We currently are using WSAD and WAS 5.1.1. Can anyone recommened a good software suite to do all the testign we will need to get done. The applications inuse are j2ee based with ejbs as wella s as wing client.
Any onformation will be greatly appreciated.
19 years ago
Does anyone know where i can get version 5.1.1 for WSAD. I have CD's for wsad 5.1 if memory serves me correctly i downloaded the upgrade from IBM's site but now i need it again and i can not find it anywhere.

Thank you,
19 years ago
Hi i am having the same problem can you tellme how you got around this issue.
Thank you
I am running websphere 3.5.3 on aix up to this point we were hitting our servlets by hostname/appname which worked fine.We have know added a new IP address and DNS name to be used from the outside world.After adding these as host aliases to my host i get a page not found error when trying to hit it using ip/appname if i just enter the ip i do get the IBM http server so i know its going to the right box.
Can nayone help with this please.
22 years ago
Thank you
22 years ago
I am writing a web app which consists of sevlets and html pages which are being accessed from another website.The other website wants me to display the results of my servlet in a frame which should fit into a certain part of thier page.
What information do i need from them about their frames etc.. to do this and once i have the info how do i tell my sevlet to put the response in the specific location?
Thank you in advance
22 years ago
Thank you
Do you mind telling me how to do this
22 years ago
is it possible to browse across a network to another machine on the same network using the JfileChooser ? is there anyway to do this in java without mapping the drive?
22 years ago
I have written my client program using the Visual Composition Editor(VCE) in VAJ when i run this program in VAJ it works fine and it connects to my Server running on websphere on another machine
When i export the code out of VAJ i get the following error message
Accesing value from underlying register 4
This message appears in a dialog i created so part of my program is working
Thanx in Adevance
Thank you all for all your help
23 years ago
Thank you
so if i understand you correctly i will have to write servlets even if i use JSP but instead of a servlet calling aservlet i will have a jsp calling the servlet.
and in the JSP page i can use HTML tags instead of a printwriter
23 years ago
CAn any one tell me when to use one over the other
I have been using servlets but i have never used JSP although i do know a little about it.
Iam faced with designing a new project and i am not sure which to use
thnak you for all your help
23 years ago
your going to have to write your own converters its pretty easy to do
23 years ago