This may be a repetitive question, but I was unable to find a satisfying answer.
Let me say there are two microservices:
1. order microservice
2. inventory microservice
Let me say that there is a payment api which processes the payments
If a request is placed for an order, the payment gets connected by the order service and finally the inventory is also updated accordingly.
How do we manage the transactions in this scenario???
Also if there is only one item in the inventory with more than 10 requests coming up for that single item at the same time, which one do we process for that single item and how do we handle the other requests???
Please suggest!
Thanks for those who took time to reply to my question.
So here is my work till now.
The string that I am using is: if(a!=c || b!=c, true, false)
So, I need to create testcases in three different scenarios
All that I wish to do is something like this
Here is an assignment that I have taken up.
I am given a string, say for eg: if(a!=c || b!=c, true, false)
This means that if a!=c or b!=c, then validate as true, else validate as false.
Given this scenario I have to create all possible testcases for this string.
1. a==c and b==c
2. a!=c
3. b!=cb
Currently I am only doing for the above said scenario; So I have not yet gone generic.
As a first step, I have managed to parse the string and populate a stack with each individual string
The challenge that I am facing is, how to create the test cases based on the stack values.
I am pretty clueless.
Can anyone in this forum help me please.
Thanks Chris!
Yeah, I looked into confluent, but that does not give any idea about any existing certifications stuffs.
I can definitely read few books to master up. I do understand that.
But just to have a certification on the resume definitely adds value to my profile is what I felt and hence posted that question.
Infact, I gain most of the know-hows either while working or while trying to prepare for some certification.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for responding!
Here below is the whole story.
It is a maven project involving technologies like Springboot and ORM framework.
The DB is oracle and we have a constants file from which constants are consumed, properties file which gets loaded to udeploy and the Java files with usual J2EE project structure.
The properties file is used to load the properties needed for starting the application.
We developers act as maintenance people also to maintain the application
With this scenario, I see that having 30-35 exception messages in database as a bad way to design a web application.
Because I feel business exception messages are supposed to be taken from the business layer and not from the DB layer.
Though the reason given is that we are forced to deploy every time we see a change or maintenance of the exception message(s)
My suggestion is to have these messages added as part of the constants file itself, and frequest deployment cannot be a reason for a poor design!
Ideas/suggestions please!
This is something that I found in one of my recent projects.
There are a list of exception messages which is being fetched from DB.
After fetching from the Database the first time, the messages are stored in a cache and then used from cache from there on.
There are nearly 30 exception messages which need to be utilised as we progress in the application.
When asked the lead, he says "we didn’t want to keep maintaining that in a properties file which will ideally end up in udeploy"
Now, while I understand that this is a bad practice to maintain the business exception messages in Database, what is the better way that we can do without ending up in maintaining in Udeploy?
Please suggest.
If there is any good link which will say that putting exception messages in DB is bad, please let me know.
Would this be better than the earlier one?
Reason I see is that, having all the calls in one method makes my life simpler to understand what is happening at a higher level rather than having to go down method by method.
(provided the method names make sense)
Just something striked my thought and hence posted the question.
I would like to have the views/opinions on the type of coding here below.
Could someone suggest if this type of coding is good or not so good.
Let me know your views.