naveen gupta

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since Apr 12, 2006
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Recent posts by naveen gupta

I clicked on "Resolved" button for this thread

how can i undo that
13 years ago
Below statement also didn't work

bp.getRequestContext().put(, "120000");
13 years ago
I am using JAX-WS RI and JBossWS engine

In my web service client code, i need to set timeout and it's not working. Following are all different ways i tried

bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProviderProperties.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(120000));
bp.getRequestContext().put(JAXWSProperties.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(120000));
bp.getRequestContext().put(StubExt.PROPERTY_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(120000));
bp.getRequestContext().put("", String.valueOf(100000));

None of them worked.

Help Please.................................
13 years ago
good information

i will try to implement custom comparator and will see how it goes
13 years ago
If it has been following variable defined then sort works fine

List<String> listOfAlbums = new ArrayList<String>();

But i have to define ArrayList as "SelectItem" since i am using this ArrayList in the dropdown in my JSF Code
13 years ago
Below is my code

List<SelectItem> listOfAlbums = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();

<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.selectedValue}" style="width:350px;" valueChangeListener="#{bean.valueChangeDoSomething}">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.listOfAlbums}"/>

My Question is, whenever i add a new value, how can sort the list or insert the value in appropriate order

Generally we use following statement


but in my case it fails, Since "SelectItem" doesn't implement Comparable interface

any ideas.........please...............
13 years ago
Yeah custom converter should solve this problem I think
13 years ago
i don't think readonly attribute is causing this effect

can you post your code ( not complete code though)
13 years ago
one more quick point

did you define "orgName" field as String or Integer type?

I have it as Integer
13 years ago
when are you getting that error?

try starting eclipse from command line using following command

eclipse.exe -clean

it will clear all error messages
13 years ago
it worked, thanks a ton

i tried so many different ways. my mistake is i misunderstood the concept of lookahead

From your answer, i understand the concept of lookahead. which is more important. thanks again
13 years ago

Anyway coming to the point, it is accepting more than 32 characters which i don't want

i am still trying to fix it. Let me know if you can give hint or solution itself.........

13 years ago
In your example, you have made the inputText as REQUIRED

In my case if i make the field as Required then it will display error message

Don't make it as required field and TRY

and let me know what it says

To my understanding it will not display any error message
13 years ago
<f:convertNumber integerOnly="true" type="number" pattern="##"/>
f:validateLength min=4 max=4/>

my field data type is Integer

Does JSF automatically trims empty spaces if there is no other data in the field??
13 years ago