Abhishek Pratap

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since Apr 14, 2006
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Recent posts by Abhishek Pratap

Cleared SCWCD1.4 woth 94%
17 years ago
i forget to mention that Errata is important. please refer to it if you are using HFSJ.


SCWCD1.4 94%
SCJP5.0 88%
hi All,

Just returning from test centre and glad to pass the exam with this score.
the duration of prepration was 3-4 weeks.
Read HFSJ twice, scored 75% in the book mock.
Practiced question on Enthuware and scored between 70-80% consistently in that.
I refer enthuware, as the level of toughness is quite similar to the real test.
donot forget to look into peabody notes On ScwcdPatterns and Dynamic Attribute notes.
i Also refer Mikalai Zaikin notes.

Thanks to all the ranchers for immnse support on queries asked...


SCJP 88%
Even i m confused on the same issue. As Enthuware said that IllegalException is thrown because once you forward, the response is committed by the called src.

there are two concerns.
//code in servlet to get request dispatcher and PrintWriter

it will throw IllegalStateException


//code in servlet to get request dispatcher and PrintWriter
rd.sendError("Some error");

it will ignore out.println("Test");

in both the case response is committed...

can anyone clarify??

This is definately container dependent. even i posted the same few days back...

it says that always Bound happens First and then unbound. if the value is replaced than first the new Value is Bound and then old Value is Unbound.
Logically it doesn't seems to be the correct sequence but actually its like that.
for example:
if session is invalidated the sessionDestroyed of HttpSesssionListener is called first and after that valueUnbound of HttpBindingListener is called.

As per my perception the listeners are called earlier than the actual object is removed or added or replaced internally. thats y the sequence is irregular.

Hope this will help you.
When doAfterBody() is called ?

1)This method will be called if doAfterBody() returns IterationTag.EVAL_BODY_AGAIN.

2)This method will be called only when doStartTag() returns Tag.EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE or BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED

Answer is 1.

What abt point 2?

Any tips for ranchers...
17 years ago

Any Tips and Hints for guys preparing SCWCD??
17 years ago
hi All,

there is one doubt after going through the question of Enthuware.

it says that what is the correct way of sending request paramater to some other servlet residind in same container but different web application.

answer was: response.sendRedirect("String URL").

i dont think so it is correct. can anyone throw some light on it?

hi All,

1)if an attribute is replaced in session... do its valueUnbound() called, if the attribute of that type is registered with HttpSessionBindingListener.
Enthuware doesnt mark it correct.

2)What is the correct sequence while web application is deployed?
a. Instantiate listeners defined in the deployment descriptor.
b. Initialize filters defined in the deployment descriptor.
c. Initialize servlets that are set to load on startup.
d. Call the contextInitialized method on the listeners implementing ServletContextListener interface.

thats what i said..you cannot use uri...
hi all,

a simple doubt i want to clear. on page 512, para 2 of HFSJ.
JspFragment cannot have content that contrains sciplets, declaration and expression...

does it means that the body-content for tag will atleast always be scriptless...


What steps are included in JSPTranslation?
does it includes compiling of servlet based on jsp?

Thanks & Regards,