I have a form having static fields (displayed when page loads) and dynamic fields. The dynamic fields are displayed depending on the value chosen for a static property field. The code snippet to add the dynamic fields:
Problem: When the user is in the last static field and hits TAB the focus needs to go to the first dynamically loaded text box. But when I try to change focus to the dynamic field using document.[form name].[element name].focus() I'm getting an error in
IE that the object is null or doesn't exist; while this is working in Firefox.
When I gave document.getElementById('tblPrp').rows[0].cells[1] the value returned was <Input value="prp1value">
Any ideas as to make it work in IE? [ September 30, 2006: Message edited by: Mouly Kumaraswamy ]
[ September 30, 2006: Message edited by: Mouly Kumaraswamy ]