Feyna Reendrina

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since Apr 18, 2006
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Recent posts by Feyna Reendrina

I want to write a Excel file in java desktop and make a chart in it. Please guide me how can I achieve that.

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
i need to make it fast...
is select using SQL faster than sorted rowset??
how about if database that used is in server??

any one know where i can get WebLogic's jar???

guys, i need your help....

i want to display my database with filter and sorter....
to filter i have been using filteredrowset
but to sort it, i don't know what class that i can use....

i try to find at internet.. and i found sortedrowset (weblogic.jdbc.rowset.SortedRowSet)....

but i can't get import of it...
i try using :

but it is ended by error...

is i must install the package??
but i can't get any packages download...

Can you help me??

I want to have a combobox in table....
where is the value (items) is different depends on the value of other cell in the table in same row....

i didn't know where i can put the code..
i have been placed the code in event comboPopupMenuWillBecomeVisible

this is the code:

17 years ago
i want to make the table model using FilteredRowSet, but i have some problem to get row count...

method size of FilteredRowSet, can not be used!! beacuse it will be return count of record in FilteredRowSet that inserted and deleted....

what i want is to get count of active record (no deleted record)...

i using this script to claculate...
but it will be always SQLException when reach the last record, if i delete the last record!!

i want to print just only one single string...

how can i do it??

must i write it in the file first??

17 years ago
i need it for my database project, where is can be have large record or database...

so i think, is it take time if i use max's method???
is you means that i must list all record in database (INSERT) and the table (TABLE)??? is it will take time for large database???

i have been tried the example (MySqlHotCopy.java) at

but it doesn't work....
when i try to get the packages
but i can find what are IOUtils and CopyUtils ?? (i have been download all import packages)

beside that, directory source is input by user....
can we get it automatically??? (in mySQL)
example using registry like in Delphi??

Can you help me??

thanks you very much,...

it is very helpfull...
it works now...

17 years ago
i can zip a file... but
i have some problem to zip a directories....

Can you help me??

17 years ago
i want to make a application that have some facilities like back up and restore database....

i make the application using java and netbeans as GUI
and i use mysql as my database....

can you help me, hor to back up and restore mysql database in java language..

i have some similar problem....

i try to get large record....in 3 tables, and for 100 records each table..
so i want get 1000.000 records... but there is exception:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

and i use netbeans for GUI....

i don't know where i must put the command...can u tell me??
