vikas jain

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since Apr 21, 2006
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Recent posts by vikas jain


I have a coupon which Will expire on 19th January. Do you guys think I have sufficient time to prepare for SCEA-I. What are the books that I need to refer for the same?


I am not sure whether this is a right forum.
But I am looking for a preferably java tool that can be used to search on the database.

Basically what I am looking for in this tool is that it should give me the list of all database objects where a particular column is being referenced.

As you said Journal Sqaure is near to PATH..will it be a safe place to live..down town is never going to be crime free.. I would love to stay at a place that has peaceful surroundings even it means more commute time..
16 years ago

My company will be sending me on L1 to NY. Salary would be approximately 75k. I plan to rent out an apartment in jersey city. Can I get a good 1 BHK in jersey city around 1200-1300 per month. In which areas I should look for the aparments ( as I will be travelling to New york for my Job..probably Broadway). I do not want to save much. Do you think in around 3500-3800, I can live a decent life? I am coming with my Wife and most probably she will not be working.
16 years ago
I tried to look for the answer to this question, but couldn't find any satisfactory answer. If we prepare for SCJP, SCBCD, SCDJWS , we have a fixed set of books and notes that can be studied.

I am looking for the same kind of information for SCEA-I. Like I should study first this and then.. Any pointers will be of great help

I want to start the preperation for SCEA-I.
I have checked the SCEA links and various posts, but I am not able to deicide upon the books.

Could you please help me with the books? Though I am aiming for SCEA but I would like to read quality books even if they are not written specifically for SCEA.

I have zeroed on the following two -

UML Distilled - Martin Fowler, et al
Design Patterns - Erich Gamma, et al
Thanks..your explanations cleared my doubts regarding server-side and client-side jax-rpc requirement.
If any server-side handler throws the SOAPFaultException, a fault message will be generated and is send back to the client. On the server side the handleFault() methods of all the Handler's in the return path will be called..right?

When this message is received on the client side, client-side handler's handleRespone() method will be called or handleFault() method?

If the client-side handler's handleRequest() method returns false, then the message will be short-circuted and a reply will be send back. So this reply will be Reply or a Fault. Can we generate a fault message for this case?

*** There seems to be one exception. When you use dynamic proxies you can specify a <port-component-link> inside <port-component-ref>. The link points to the endpoint component in the same application. Apparently the application server will, in this case, dynamically create a proxy for local calls that bypasses the XML (un)marshalling improving performance significantly. However this optimization is not availble for static stubs or DII.

Isn't the above is same as asked by me?

Now if I have a J2EE client and the webservice has been deployed by me (same J2EE container). Then what would be the steps?

If we have more than one bindings ( document/literal and RPC/literal) for a single portType.

Then by using the method Service.getPort(Class), is it possible to get a stub that is for a particular message/mode. And if yes where we keep that mapping.

also, what is the use of <port-comonent-ref> element. Is this useful only when the J2EE web service is deployed in the same J2EE application.
One more doubt.I hope I am not asking the most dumb question here

Let's say we have the following service-ref element.


This service-ref-element will make sure that during the deployment one instance of com.jwsbook.jaxrpc.BookQuoteService is available and is bound at "service/BookQuoteService".

Why can't we bind the the stub class here(probably because we don't know the stub class name or we can only bind the classes that behave like factory class). So that we can look for that stub class and we are not required to create one using the Service interface.

why can't we just create a new Instance of the stub class using new operator. Instead of getting one from the Service class ( Service class is acting as a factory). but is there a need for this?
Thanks for the explanation. But may be I am too confused between J2EE web-services clients and J2SE clients. Could you please help me with the components that are required during webservice deployement and during the client access?

Let's say I have J2SE client, I just want to write one independent program to access webservice. In this case I will just be knowing the wsdl file. Now what would be the steps to use this web serice?

Say if I have a J2EE client, I want to access the webserice from a servlet. Again I have not deployed the webservice (or the webserice is in some other J2EE container), the webservice is deployed by someone else at some location. Now to access this webserive I will have to follow the same steps as I will be following for J2SE client?

Now if I have a J2EE client and the webservice has been deployed by me ( same J2EE container). Then what would be the steps?
I have few doubts regarding 'generated-stub' thing.

1. The generated stub here is just a class that imlements the end-point interface. The role of this stub will be to convert the java call into a soap message and viceversa. right? This stub is not like the stub which we get in RMI, I mean this stub will not open sockets etc. right?

2. The RMH says that the stub is generated at the deployment time. But if this stub is created by reading just the wsdl file. Why can't it be generated at the client side after the deployment.

3. Also the jax-rpc comiler generates the service interface and the container (jax-rpc runtime?) provides the implementation. Now when we deploy the end-point interface/implementation, we mention that what is the jndi-name for this service and the actual service interface. when the client does a lookup,the client is returned what? The stub for the implementation of this Service Interface? Is this stub like the RMI stub?