Ashley Bideau

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Recent posts by Ashley Bideau

This morning I passed scbcd-exam with 91%.

30 days, 2 hours / day, no prior experience with EJB's.

All preparation from
-HeadFirst EJB
-ejbcertificate and EJBPlus mock engine from enthuware.

I feel just HFEJB will get you 80%+ and for that extra 10-20% mock test are must although they are touger than real exam but it gives you very good inputs about your weak areas.

Right now searching what certificate to do next


SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3
18 years ago
An EJB may be called through its remote interface from:

1) the same ejb module
2) other ejb modules in the same EAR
3) a web module in the same EAR
4) other ejb modules in a different EAR
5) a web module in a different EAR
An EJB may be called through its local interface from:

1) the same ejb module
2) other ejb modules in the same EAR
3) a web module in the same EAR
4) other ejb modules in a different EAR
5) a web module in a different EAR
Which of the following are valid types of persistent CMP fields of a 2.0 CMP entity bean?

Select 1 correct options

a A serializable class.

b Local interface of another EJB.

c Remote interface of another EJB.

d java.util.Collection and java.util.Set
Identify the correct statements regarding the object identity of entity beans.

Select 1 correct option.
a A client can determine whether two entity beans are same by comparing their primary key using equals method.

b Equality of any two entity beans can be tested by comparing each individual field of their primary key.

c Equality of any two entity beans can be tested by using the isIdentical() method of EJBObject.

d If the primary keys of two beans are found to be equal using the isIdentical() method, then the beans are same.
Thanks guys for all the replies.
Bean A with transaction attributes of "RequiresNew" for all its methods.
Bean B with transaction attributes of "Supports" for all its methods.
A client having a transaction context calls a method mA() on bean A, which in turns calls a method mB() on Bean B.
Assuming all invocations are local, which of the following statements is correct if mB() encounters a system exception?

Select 2 correct options

a The client's transaction will be marked for roll back.

b The client will get a javax.ejb.EJBException but it can continue with the same transaction.

c The client will get a javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException

d mA() will get a javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException

e The bean A instance will NOT be discarded.

f Changes made to the database by mA(), will be commited.
I also thought "e" but mock engine says "d" . Can anyone please confirm.
Which of the following are correct for a session bean?

Select 1 correct option.

a The bean provider must provide at least a local home and a local component interfaces.

b The bean provider must provide at least a remote home and a remote component interfaces.

c The Bean Provider must provide either a remote home and a remote component interface or a local home and a local component interface but not local as well as remote home and component interface.

d The Bean Provider may provide either the remote interfaces or the local interfaces.

e The bean provider may provide any combination of local or remote interfaces as long as there is at least one home and one component interface.

I cleared SCWCD yesterday with 90% (20 days of preparation 3 hours a day) Was little disappointed after seeing score report as I thought I made only 3 mistakes

Here is what my score sheet looks like. You answered 62 out of 69 which gives you a score of 90%

I scored 100% in all but three sections mentioned below. I had very few questions in below sections but tooooooooo many on questions Expression Language (EL)and deployment descriptors.

Building a Custom Tag Library 80%
Building JSP Pages Using Tag Library 75%
Session Management 71%

Rest all sections 100%. Here is my take on REAL exam

1) Very easy if you have studied religiously from HFSJ and have identified your weak areas after giving final mock exam (I scored 71% in final mock).

2) Practice enough mock exams (all free mock test available, plus I took enthuware JWebPlus which I found real value for money)

3) Fredric notes and Manning SCWCD (some sections) are really good and will definitely help.

4) Session Management questions are the trickiest of all.


SCJP 5.0 SCWCD 1.4 SCBCD 1.3 Next...
[ May 25, 2006: Message edited by: Ashley Bideau ]
I think out of all the solutions posted this one looks to be most logical. Thanks a lot for clarifying this.


Can you please answer this. We need some expert opinion

What is the result displayed on the browser when the First.jsp is accessed.


<%@ page language="java" import="com.mypackage.MyBean" %>
<jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean" scope="session" />
<jsp:setProperty name="myBean" property="myProperty" value="FirstValue"/>
<jsp:include page="Second.jsp"/>
<jsp:getProperty name="myBean" property="myProperty"/>


<%@ page language="java" import="com.mypackage.MyBean" %>
<jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="MyBean" scope="application"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="myBean" property="myProperty" value="SecondValue"/>

This question was dicsussed in this thread but I don't feel confident with answers.
I thought I was ready for exam however j2eecertificate has made me think otherwise

I just scored 8 out of 20 in there 20 difficult mock exam.

SCWCD ranchers please advise if we will encounter same difficulty level in real exam also?

I agree, SCJP 5.0 is tougher than SCWCD. If it's 1.4 then it is more of a walk in the garden

[ May 19, 2006: Message edited by: Ashley Bideau ]