samir Sadiki

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since Apr 22, 2006
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Recent posts by samir Sadiki

...or you could use the method:

Returns a string representation of the integer argument as an unsigned integer in base 2.
I am a computer science student, I have a Bachelor's degree in applied mathematics.
I studied Java Programming.
I am looking for an internship/co-op position to gain some real world experience and learn new skills.
I am a very fast learner.
Please e-mail me at [email protected] for my resume.
Thank you.
18 years ago
u r using a variable notFirst, but I can't seem to find any declaration for that variable...?
18 years ago
I am a computer science student with a Bachelor's degree in applied mathematiques.
I studied Java Programming.
I am looking for an internship to gain some real world experience and learn new skills.
I don't have much experience in the field, but I am a very fast learner.
Please e-mail me at [email protected] for my resume.
Thank you.
18 years ago
it won't but x will receive the value 0 when you enter the loop at x=1, because of the line x=x-1.
18 years ago
18 years ago
...and u might wanna reconsider ur variable names as well... lol.javascript:%20x()
Good luck
18 years ago
Hi Ranet,
Take a closer look at what you are doing here:

when u leave the loop, recv_Message is null and yet after that u r trying to get the last 4 characters from null!!!
try this instead:
18 years ago
Here is an example to illustrate what I meant.
18 years ago
Hi Barry,
After adding the new panel, you may have to call on validate() and/or repaint().
18 years ago
Hi Jeroen
Thank you for your reply. I keep my fingers crossed.
18 years ago
Hi guys,
I have a Bachelor's degree in Math, and decided to pursue a Master's in Computer Science. But I have to take some prerequisites before I can start the Master's program.
I am currently taking programming methods II, and the language used is Java.
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice/insight on how to get internships or part-time jobs in that field, especially here in New York City.
I've applied for some positions so far, but it seems that you need a previous experience just to get an internship.
18 years ago
Hi Andrew
Try using setEnabled(false) instead...
18 years ago
Hi Justin,
I didn't quite get the reason why u r using counter?
But, all this code:

could be replaced by:

You still didn't address the real problem, which is breaking out of the loop when you encounter a number for the second time.Instead of encountring the original number, which will not always happen(for example when the original number is 5).
You could use ArrayList because, unlike arrays, you don't have to know before hand the size of your arraylist and they have a convenient method to add more objects and a more convenient one to check if an arraylist contains a certain value.
You could take a look at the code that I came up with if you want. I used a totally different approach.And instead of getting the input from a file, this program just prints out the happy numbers between 1 and 1000.

Good luck!
18 years ago
Hey, it turned out it's not easy being a number at all.
Only 20 of the first hundred ones are Happy, and it gets even worse after that!!!
18 years ago