Amieya Prabhaker

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since Apr 23, 2006
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Recent posts by Amieya Prabhaker

Can you please give an example how I can create a validator rule.

Greatly appreciate the input as I'm still learning the nuts and bolts of this. Thanks.
17 years ago
I wonder if this problem can be fixed using the intRange in validation.xml rather than the regex in validator-rules.xml

Greatly appreciate any struts gurus to help me out here!
17 years ago
Any struts/ regular expressions gurus out here.

I have tried some sort of -(000000) kind of pattern; i.e. above pattern minus the all zeros case, but it does not work.

17 years ago
I have a rule for bank accounts set as ^[0-9]{6,8}$ in validator-rules.xml

That is to say the account number is 6 to 8 digits long and takes in numbers 0-9. The full text is as under:

<constant><constant-name>accountno</constant-name> <constant-value>^[0-9]{6,8}$</constant-value></constant>

I want to add in an additional constraint that the account number should be non-zero; so someone should not try entering in 000000, 0000000 or 00000000 since the current regex above will allow these to be entered.

Can you please suggest the change required to the regex pattern to achieve this.
P.S: Corresponding validation.xml and other files are set up correctly.
17 years ago
Oh yes...and how big are the financial implications?
How significant is the SCEA exam in a move from a developer to an architect? On one hand we have experience in Java EE that counts as a prior virute for a good architect; but does the lack of experience get aptly padded up by this SCEA certificate?
Does it really help in real life architect level decisions- say for a big project or a new company.
Sounds like a probable solution. To break down in simple terms for better understanding:
Can Page A jsp include something like:

<html:link page='<%=""+URLEncoder.encode("")%>'>Click here</html:link>

and corresponding Page B jsp include:
<html:link page='<%=""+URLEncoder.encode("")%>'>Click here</html:link>

Both above are pointing to Page C, for which the back can be obtained using the returnTo parameter to return to correct A/B page?
17 years ago
I looked at this article which describes the "Back page" struts problem.

Wonder if a brief strutsy solution for just the 3 pages above is available?
17 years ago
I have a simple question on best means to implement this using struts: (perhaps simple javascript may work?)

Say there are 3 pages A, B, C with : A having links to B & C. B having a link to C.
A -> B, C
B -> C

The route of reaching C determines the return button action in page C.
So if one reaches page C from A, the return should take back to A.
But SAME return button should take back to page B, if approached from B.

What's the best struts way to do this (without getting tempted to do a javascript thing:
<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">GO BACK</a>
17 years ago
1 & 4 are correct.
the question is which will return CA5.

1 will, and so will 4 as the where clause matches it.
Hello buddy!?
A kind response will be greatly appreciated. How did you get the voucher to extend beyond the expiration date?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Sanjay,
Can you please tell me again how you extended the date of your voucher.
When I try the steps as written in above posts, I get a message on the site:

Error: The testing date is out of the allowed range.

A fast response is greatly appreciated.
The difference between the behaviour of the narrow method in RMI vs RMi-IIOP.
The first question was how/why this object behaves differently in RMI/IIOP.

As per the spec it says narrow will fail in RMI/IIOP.
What stuff do I need to know about PortableRemoteObject.narrow with regards RMI and (/vs) RMI/IIOP.

How does PortableRemoteObject.narrow behave differently?

Looking at the EJB2.0 spec section 6.10 the last statement states: "Programs using the cast operator for narrowing the remote and remote home interfaces are likely to fail if the Container implementation uses RMI-IIOP as the underlying communication transport."