Somesh Rathi

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since Apr 27, 2006
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Recent posts by Somesh Rathi

Sorry about that Campbell.

For the input Menu Item id/label , i need to problematically drop-down/open/display a menu item from menubar in eclipse.I think i may need to fire some event.

This is requirement for UI Automation that Menu should be drop down automatically.

Can you please help at the earliest. I'm trying following , but here not sure how to set the X & y co-ordinates where mouse click event should be fired.

Code: [Select all] [Show/ hide]

String toCompare = "File";
Menu menu = window.getShell().getMenuBar();
if(menu!=null && !menu.isDisposed()){
MenuItem[] items = menu.getItems();
for(int i=0;i<items.length;i++){
String menuText = LegacyActionTools.removeMnemonics(items[i].getText());
Event event = new Event();
event.doit = true;

event.widget = items[i];
event.type = SWT.MouseDown;
event.button = 1;

boolean success = items[i].getDisplay().post(event);
System.out.println("Could we generate the event ? "+success);
12 years ago
For the given Menu Item id , i need to programatically drop-down/open/display a menu item from menubar in eclipse. I think i may need to fire some event. Could you please help ?

I tried MenuManager.update / setVisible , however nothing showing menu programmatically.

Many thanks in advance .
12 years ago
My query is how and where to specify the JNDI Name while creating EJB3 ? I know in EJB3 , we dont have necessarily ejb-jar.xml.

I tried following:-
Defining global jndi name using mappedName attribute in @Stateless annonation. However when i'm running Test client ,I'm getting :-
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve 'CalculatorService'. exception

I'm created and deployed Stateless Session EJB3.0 Bean
Bean class is as follows

Many thanks in advance,
Hi ,
I'm using RAD6.0 server. In JSP files, I'm not able to execute the Expression language in JSTL core library. Same code I was able to run on Webshphere 5.1server
I have the JSTL.jar file under the web application directory.
Is there any run time patch or support file or setting needs to be done before using the EL on RAD?
Could you please let me know which JSTL & JSP container version are compatible with RAD6.0 ? How to check out whether I have correct version of JSP & JSP container for running the JSTL ?
Please help me out or suggest me the possible ways so that I can work on this issue.

Many thanks in advance !
Looking for your favorable reply!

91 9960602267
Hi ,
I'm using RAD6.0 server. In JSP files, I'm not able to execute the Expression language in JSTL core library. Same code I was able to run on Webshphere 5.1server
I have the JSTL.jar file under the web application directory.
Is there any run time patch or support file or setting needs to be done before using the EL on RAD?

Please help me out or suggest me the possible ways so that I can work on this issue.

Many thanks in advance !
Looking for your favorable reply!

91 9960602267
[ October 07, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
17 years ago
My problem is related to embedding the HTML code in Java

I want to display the textfield populated with the existing string variable using out.print();

I'm using the following code

If I use the above code , it displayt the textfeild with text " Somesh "
whereasI want it should display the textfield with Text " Somesh's Rathi"

Actually , it is truncating all the characters that comes after ' ( single quote) from the firstname while displaying.

Here I want it should display the firstname both with the '(Sinle Quote) & space in the textfield

I think its the problem with delimeter but not able to find the solution.

Waiting for yourmuch needed & favorable reply.
Many Thanks in advance!!!


[BSouther: Added UBB CODE tags and added a meaningful subject line.]
[ August 10, 2007: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
17 years ago
Hello Everybody,
Please tell me which things are needed to install for compiling & running servlet ? Please tell me the detail procedure . Also Please tell me where can I find free server(e.g. TOMCAT) for running servlets.
Which is good book for learning servlet ?

Thanks in advance
Somesh Rathi.
18 years ago
I have cleared SCJP1.4 on 15th sept,2006. Yet I haven't received the certificate from SUN. I have only got the copy of test score after the test at prometric centre.Could you please let me know the procedure for receiving certificate? Is there any SUN LOGO fo certification I can use in my resume ? Where to get it ?
Your replies are highly appreciated.

Many thanks & Regards,
Somesh Rathi
I have done B.E.(computer sci).I have passed SCJP1.4 with 91%.
I'm currently working as S/W engineer in MNC at PUNE,India.
I have 1+ year of exp. in Config. Management.
Please let me know if there are vacancies for JAVA Developer positions.

somesh Rathi
91 9881298815
18 years ago
Hello Ranchers,
Today morning I took SCJP1.4 & passed with 91 %.
Many thanks to all Ranchers, Forum Moderators (Bert Bates, Marc Weber, Barry Gaunt, Henry Wong) , Danchilom, Marcus Green other forums who helped a lot by providing valuable guidance & study material.
I�m thankful especially to Kathy Sierra Khalid Mughals for writing such a great book on certification exam . These books explain concepts in a simple & lucid way.
Corey�s helpline is very much useful... Thanks Corey!
Please advise me what to do next? Is this score enough to get the job?
18 years ago
Recently I have seen on the SUN site site that if we need we can have RETAKE EXAM FREE ! I'm planning to buy SCJP1.4 voucher today . Is this offer is valid in India ? If not right now are there any plans of implementing this offer in near future ? PLEASE REPLY ASAP
THanks and Best Regards,
Somesh Rathi
[email protected]
When i tried to compile following program , it gives error " Can't Assign value to final variable this " Could you please explain it ?

public class ThisUsage {
int planets;
static int suns;
public void gaze() {
int i;
this = new ThisUsage(); // Compilation error comes here

Many Thanks and Regards,
Somesh Rathi
Hi Wise,
As mentioned in operator associativity and precedence table, "All the operator with in the particular group has same precedence",AND Associativity of conditional operator ( && ,|| as per K & M book ) is from L to R ,then why the expression is evaluated as instead of ((b1 ||b3) && b2)?

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Wise,
As mentioned in operator associativity and precedence table, "All the operator with in the particular group has same precedence",AND Associativity of logical operator is from L to R ,then why the expression is evaluated as instead of ((b1 ||b3) && b2)?

Thanks and Regards,