My problem is related to embedding the HTML code in Java
I want to display the textfield populated with the existing string variable using out.print();
I'm using the following code
If I use the above code , it displayt the textfeild with text " Somesh "
whereasI want it should display the textfield with Text " Somesh's Rathi"
Actually , it is truncating all the characters that comes after ' ( single quote) from the firstname while displaying.
Here I want it should display the firstname both with the '(Sinle Quote) & space in the textfield
I think its the problem with delimeter but not able to find the solution.
Waiting for yourmuch needed & favorable reply.
Many Thanks in advance!!!
[BSouther: Added
UBB CODE tags and added a meaningful subject line.]
[ August 10, 2007: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]