rahul dighe

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since Apr 17, 2001
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Recent posts by rahul dighe

I dont' understand why the base type of token as defined in the xml schema definition is "normalizedString" instead of "string" .
<simpleType name="token">
<restriction base="normalizedString">
<whiteSpace value = "collapse" />

<simpleType name="normalizedString">
<restriction base="string">
<whiteSpace value = "replace" />

to me it seems that the definition of 'token' could have been
<simpleType name="token">
<restriction base="string">
<whiteSpace value = "collapse" />
why was it not defined this way instead ???
i found the answer apparently ..
the problem was that the editor showed it as a option when i was using context sensitive help but when i ran the validator it showed an error.
it does make sense
The xfront xmlschema presentation has a statement
Note: minOccurs and maxOccurs can only
be used in nested (local) element declarations
i have doubts whether this statement is true. can anyone provide any example i see that i can define an global <element> with a minOccurs and maxOccurs and there is no issue with schema validation,
is there something else that i am missing here ?
The xfront xmlschema presentation has a statement ?
Note: minOccurs and maxOccurs can only
be used in nested (local) element declarations
i have doubts whether this statement is true. can anyone provide any example i see that i can define an global <element> with a minOccurs and maxOccurs and there is no issue with schema validation,
is there something else that i am missing here ?
i cant' really follow everything you are saying.
do you want to find out all the checkid's for a given table number is that what you are trying to do .. ???
xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
does the xmlns or xmlns:someprefix need to be same as the "targetNamespace" ?
if you are not prefixing the xmlns (when refering to targetNamespace) i dont' understand what purpose does it solve ?
xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"

does the xmlns or xmlns:someprefix need to be same as the "targetNamespace" ?
if you are not prefixing the xmlns (when refering to targetNamespace) i dont' understand what purpose does it solve ?
i personally feel to most extent SCWCD tests stuff that u would invariably use when creating servlets/jsp's , as opposed to SCJp etc which sometimes asks questions which are not necessarily main stream every day use java features.
so if there are any doubts people are more likely to ask question in the servlet jsp forum. i think there are very few ambiguous exam specific questions if any .
i couldn't find the link anywhere to download the file.
How big is the file size ?? can u give me some size?? >5mb ?? etc.
i would really appreciate if you could tell me , from the contents it looks like a really basic book i have been working with xml for >1year now ,so there is no way i am going to buy this book . but i do want to read it to re visit all the fundamentals to help me from an examination point of view.
Hi ,
i have been following messages on this group for a while now and finally attempted the exam today and scored 91%
my opinion about the exam
the exam is very simplistic , u just have to be a little careful when it comes to method signatures.
i personally found questions on custom tag library to be complicated , primarily the ones which deal with scopes. my advice is that if u look at couple of examples of how a jsp page would be translated into servlet and look at the code it would give u a very good idea.
questions on the design patterns seem confusing .
other than these two areas i personally thought the exam is simplistic enough .
knowledge of method signatures is a must
Has the professional XML book gone out of print ?? ??? i can't just find it anywhere, i am in usa..
let me know
just in case someone doesnt' have access to 2.3 servlet specs this is the example
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Appli-
cation 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd">
<display-name>A Secure Application</display-name>
<!-- role name used in code -->
if u look at the 2.3 servlet spec article SRV.13.4.2 which is the example of a security.
shouldn't the <security-role> comes way afterwards , if you look at the DTD , am i missing something here or is that example wrong ?
<!ELEMENT web-app (icon?, display-name?, description?,
distributable?, context-param*, filter*, filter-mapping*,
listener*, servlet*, servlet-mapping*, session-config?, mime-
mapping*, welcome-file-list?, error-page*, taglib*, resource-
env-ref*, resource-ref*, security-constraint*, login-config?,
security-role*, env-entry*, ejb-ref*, ejb-local-ref*)>
i have a question
would it make any sense to have a <body-content>tagdependent</body-content> and ur tag handler class extending TagSupport . since there is now way to access the BodyContent of the tag .. and assuming u include EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE in doAfterBody, will the body show up as is(assuming its not a valid jsp code> ?. or is it a error to specify "tagdependent" as a value for a class which extendes TagSupport or implements InterationTag ? could some please clarify ?