Praful Gupta

Ranch Hand
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since May 01, 2006
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Recent posts by Praful Gupta

Could someone explain what is nested monitor locking? Is this new in latest java release?
I have an interesting problem that I need to solve using some sort of a charting framework, could someone suggest a nice one that is easy to set up and use?

Problem stmt: You have data coming in from a source which has things like number of servers, up time, etc. I need to plot a graph of uptime vs servers over time. Also, provide some other points on the graph like Business Unit/Country etc which is also present in the data.

Should I be using some graph algorithm or is there a java scrip framework that caters to graph problems?

Does it make sense to utilize HTML5, CSS etc while creating a front end for Big Data like Hadoop or Mapreduce?
Could someone tell me what would be some of the common use cases where Hadoop brings benefits to the table and what are some that are not the right fit?
12 years ago
Will there be any specific topic questions regarding newly released features like nested monitor locking?
So does that mean its tied down to only Rational Architect or can the plug-in work with other IDEs/tools?
I imagine SOAD stands for Service-Oriented Analysis and Design but what is Design Model Accelerator? and how does it benefit or fit into the picture of SOA?

What is an Anti pattern as compared to say design patterns in general and are they unique only to Rails?
13 years ago
Hello ... does the book cover topics on accessing in house databases sort of like a grails app trying to pull data from some tables?
13 years ago
Does the book cover topics related to current crop of location aware services like Foursquare, Facebook Places, Gowalla etc and how they are shaping the current advertising market and driving in revenues for SMBs and restaurants?
13 years ago
Thanks for the info and tips, shall put these together and run it by the teams, hopefully we will act in some direction.
How can we use Agile methodology, via SCRUM, with geographically distributed teams? be it with small or big integration style projects? What are the best practices to follow?

I had a couple of questions regarding the new book,
- does this cover Gingerbread, the latest release?
- does the book have any examples about using flex, apex, html5 in mobile applications?
14 years ago
Is there an order to which the Ext JS libraries and your own extended libraries need to be included in your scripts to get them all to work? I found that I needed to follow a pattern while including certain libraries to ensure the code compiles without any errors.

I have SCJP 1.4 certificate, can I still appear for the latest versions of SCWCD and the Architect exams or would I need to update my certificate and then take the latest exams?
