Aniket Patil

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since May 02, 2006
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Recent posts by Aniket Patil

I have a simple Axis client through which I am trying to access an Axis web service. The Axis client is

The Axis Web service is

I get the following output:

java samples.userguide.example4.Monitor -lhttp://localhost:8080/axis/services/LogTestService
Random number is 5
Value in object is 5
Random number is 4
Value in object is 4
I am not able to receive the result after invoking the web service method setDelay (output is null). Why is this so?
[ November 27, 2007: Message edited by: Aniket Patil ]
17 years ago
I have an applet window in which I am adding a ScrollPane.The ScrollPane has a sequencepanel that i am creating using biojava library which gives a custom sequencepanel.

The problem with this code is when the applet is created at that time nothing is visible in the applet window.

When i resize the window by dragging the edges then suddenly after some time some part of the scrollpane is visible.but not the entire one..

The code for the program is like this:

Can anybody please give me some direction on this topic
[ September 05, 2007: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
17 years ago
Register at, I believe there is a separate test on Design Patterns available.

attributes send to jsp:include using jsp : param are request parameters and and can be accessed when we are back from the included page

Where did you find this on Page 494?

short-name a simple default short name that could be used by a JSP page
authoring tool to create names with a mnemonic value; for
example, the it may be used as the preferred prefix value in taglib

Please learn to use the Servlet and JSP Specifications.
There is no getNamedDispatcher(String) defined in HttpServletRequest class, hence D is incorrect.

getRequestDispatcher(String URL) is found in both ServletContext and HttpServletRequest, hence C is correct.

The include method defined in the RequestDispatcher class can be invoked even if response has been committed (unlike forward). include() does not throw an IllegalStateException even if the response was already committed.
Hence B is incorrect.

a is not currect, as can be verified from the apis

Are you sure referring the official J2EE APIs?

public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path)
The pathname must begin with a "/" and is interpreted as relative to the current context root.

Hence A is correct.
Hope this is the right forum for my query.

I've built an E-Book application using Eclipse 3.2 that archives e-books with their details (publisher etc.).

Now, I need to incorporate a new functionality into the application - I need to be able to select a folder containing ebooks (PDF/CHM Format)and I need the application to crawl through each of the books in the folder and populate the application database with the book details-name, author and other stuff.

Does anyone know how I could extract such metadata from a PDF or a CHM file through Java?

Last time I also did flush the buffer before forward the request but no IllegalStateException was thrown. I was using Tomcat 5 at that time

Consider using Resin Web Server ( I myself used Tomcat and a few times found its behavior inconsistent with the Servlet specification.

Can you please tell me how you proceed from reading HFSJ to final mock exam.

Many people at Javaranch have graciously posted their study experience at SCWCD Wall of Fame

Another good story can be found here.
[ June 30, 2007: Message edited by: Aniket Patil ]

Do we need to memorize the whole web.xml structure from servlet specification 2.4. for exam

Absolutely not, you need to understand it, memorization is completely unnecessary. There are mutiple optional child elements that the XML tags have, but those are not on the exam.
Lokesh, click here to have your query answered.

Another round of thanks to everyone!
I sincerely appreciate your compliments for my score.

Pawan Preet, you may find Marc's Notes here
Took some time coming, but eventually i've been certified as a Web Component Developer by Sun.

Here's how my sectional analysis looks:

The Servlet Technology Model...........................................100%
The Structure and Deployment of Web Applications........................62%
The Web Container Model................................................100%
Session Management.....................................................100%
Web Application Security...............................................100%
The JavaServer Pages Technology Model..................................100%
Building JSP using EL..................................................100%
Building JSP using Standard Actions....................................100%
Building JSP using Tag Libraries.......................................100%
Building a Custom Tag Library..........................................100%
J2EE Patterns..........................................................100%

Used HFSJ, Whizlabs Simulator (approx 71% in practice exams and 87% in final exam). Scored 72% in HFSJ Mock Exam. Read Servlet and JSP Specifications, found Marc's Design Pattern notes helpful. Also used some of the mock exams mentioned on this site.

The real exam was much simpler than the ones in Whizlabs and of course HFSJ.