kirti marode

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since May 02, 2006
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In my application a particular URL displys a specific data which should not be visible to everyone but only one user while rest other stuff should be visible to all. How do secure that URL in Tomcat ?
18 years ago
Thanks for the reply. Yes, we can use Timer/Timertask and Thread or we can use Unix daemon/cron utility to do it.
My application is a web app, this regular activity is a small activity which is a part of this webapp and has to be fired automaticaly every 3 months a kind of report generation and data integrity check for the webapp.
As its part of a bigger application I can't go for daemon/cron job, This activity will be failrly time consuming so I am bit confused to use Timertask.
I am however trying to use Quartz along with the my struts framework by going through an article on onjava, but till now no luck.
Is there any way to schedule a task in Tomcat for the web application ? I have a webapp , one of the module should execute onec in a every month, I can do it with Timer and Timertask but wondering if Tomcat provides something for it.
18 years ago
I am calling ajava program from a crontab, the entry is something like this

17 16 * * * $HOME/ >>$HOME/test.log 2>&1

where it shd execeute at specfic time and log the o/p of the program to test.log, I could see shellscript and program running but its not dumping the o/p to log file, why so ?
18 years ago
I want to perform a certain activity on regular intervals like 3 months or 6 months. This activity should get fired automaticaly and should create a activity log with any manual intervention.
I am not quite sure how to implement it using thread.
I am planning to a low priority thread which sleeps most of the time and then check last_action time from database if it > 3 months then start a activity.
Is theer any other efficient way of implementing it