I am a beginner in field of XML. I am trying to understand basic concept or use of XML. I understand properly what is XML, style sheets, Parsing and different ways of parsing.
But still I am not able to understand, how do we use XML in real world of web application? Where does exactly we use XML (server side or client side)? How can we use it with JSP?
Let�s say we have a web-based application with a big database (any oracle, DB2�). So now how does XML help us in this application? What will be the use of XML? Is it going to help us with database access (or we can say on server side)? Or is it going to help us on client side?
Basic question is how and where exactly we use XML?
Hope I am able to express my problem. I know there are lots of XML experts to help me. Please help me to understand all these basic things. This might sound stupid but I really don�t understand
Your time and effort would be appreciated.
[This message has been edited by Vivek Shrivastava (edited October 29, 2000).]