Vivek Shrivastava

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since Jun 03, 2000
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Recent posts by Vivek Shrivastava

Hi dave,
My name is Vivek Shrivastava. i was currently staying in LA. i am on a h1-b visa with my employer at LA. i have an overall of 5 years of IT experience and out of which more than one and half year is of java. i am also a sun certified java programmer.
i would appreciate if you can kindly send me a mail to me
in this regard. my mail id is [email protected]
24 years ago
I would appreciate your help. i wnat to understand DOM structure properly. what is the DOM structure? basically what is the DOM Hierarchy? where does exactly nodes, elament ... fit in DOM Hierarchy ?
any links or Explanation would be great help for me.
wating for your reply.

Thanks for putting some time here.
I do agree that portability is the main advantage of using xml. But as far �separation of data from presentation � is concerned that can be well achieved by JSP.
I know people like XML more then JSP. I just want to know is there any particular advantage of using XML over JSP (if we simply talk about �separation of data from presentation �.)?
Your effort would be appreciated.
Thanks Frank Carver!
I wanted to know that can we fill a html form using javascript while we have our data in form of XML or DOM ?( i think we can create DOM on serverside using servlet or whatever then send it to client, may be an applet can recieve it on client side on same page then use javascript to fill the form.)

Somebody has suggested me to do so, but i am trying to understand why he/she does not want to use JSP? what is the advantage of process he/she suggestimg me over the JSP process?
as u said "sometimes in a single document" means u have tried to access XML or DOM using javascript. tell me how and what is the advantage of doint it? while we can create dynamic page using JSP.
I really need your help. please help me.
waiting for your reply.

[This message has been edited by Vivek Shrivastava (edited November 07, 2000).]
I have couple of questions.
1. is it possible to use javascript and XML(DOM)? ( I think we can do it using a thin clien applet that basically provide XML document or DOM by accessing a servlet. but i have heard that people don't like to use applet because you have to download the class file to client.)
2. if yes, what is the main advantage of doing this? because we can do same thing with JSP. Using JSP u don't have to download the class file to client.)
Please feel free to correct me.
i think Nobody here thinks that i should be help. is it true?
Please do help me.
looking forward to hear from u guys.

I am a beginner in field of XML. I am trying to understand basic concept or use of XML. I understand properly what is XML, style sheets, Parsing and different ways of parsing.

But still I am not able to understand, how do we use XML in real world of web application? Where does exactly we use XML (server side or client side)? How can we use it with JSP?

Let�s say we have a web-based application with a big database (any oracle, DB2�). So now how does XML help us in this application? What will be the use of XML? Is it going to help us with database access (or we can say on server side)? Or is it going to help us on client side?
Basic question is how and where exactly we use XML?

Hope I am able to express my problem. I know there are lots of XML experts to help me. Please help me to understand all these basic things. This might sound stupid but I really don�t understand
Your time and effort would be appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Vivek Shrivastava (edited October 29, 2000).]
Thanks Butch.
i am really appreciate this. it will really help me.
24 years ago
I am creating a dynamic html table using jsp. First column of each row is a link (supposed to be). So if user click on that link I want to show the detail for that record.
Is there any way so that I can call a javascript method before opening that link then open link with modified version of link. Basically I have to pass some parameter to that link. That is why I am thinking like that.
Can be submitt a form ( with all hidden field) on click on a link.
can I create <href=�value�> portion dynamically for a link with four or five parameter using jsp.
can I create <OnClick=�value�> portion dynamically for a javascript function call.

If u have some other great idea please please let me know.
Please do reply. Your quick reply will be heartily appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Vivek Shrivastava (edited October 17, 2000).]
24 years ago

First of all I would like to congratulate you for great achievement.
For me it does not matter what is your real identity? If I don�t believe u or your achievement, it is my problem. I have to solve it or prove it wrong. If I were u I would have not given any clarification. So I would say that u has done something that is a life time achievement. Be proud your self. I am sure there are only few people who have scored 100% and you are one of them.
Wish u all the best.

As i promised on the day when i passed my SCJP2 that i will share a good news with u guys very soon. so here come...
i have been given a chance by god to prove myself as a good father. we have been joined by our daughter (ADITI) on tuesday at 6:42 p.m., both my wife and aditi is doing great. me and aditi is looking forward for your wishes.
Thanks again to this great site.
[This message has been edited by Vivek Shrivastava (edited September 06, 2000).]
thanks Jesse,
thanks for your comments.
Hi guys,
where can i find the best online tutorial on javabeans and EJB. your help would be appreciated.