Firas Zuriekat

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I don't have the book but I love Webservices technology. My question: Does the book cover any of the following:
1- Help make API methods for REST interface (Say Add method in Javascript maps to HTTP POST when some annotations. tools used)
1- Explain how to parse JSON/ XML
2- Send HTTP requests and receive responses via Javascript methods
3- Does the book introduce some Data Structures other than commonly used ones (other than Arrays). I like to see Binary Search trees used in a practical example

Any of the above makes it extremely interesting book that goes a little bit beyond the basics.
It's great to know only 4 or less questions are outside the HF book. I relied completely on that very intuitive book. Compare to this from SUN:

The above is very UNintuitive discussion.

But thank you VERY much. Now I know the following:

"type" and "beanName" are valid together if they appear together in <jsp:useBean..>
without the "class" attribute.

However, I keep forgetting this fact. I have my exam in Very soon. I wish HF Book stuck this in my mind better that the above way :-)
[ December 31, 2006: Message edited by: Firas Zuriekat ]

Correct Ans: 1,3 5

Q1) Why is 1 correct?

It should be incorrect because the Head First book doesn't discuss beanName atttribute and when it's not discussed, it's usually the wrong answer. But here 1 is correct. I thought beanName is syntax error.

Q2) What combinations of useBean, class, type are acceptable in <jsp:useBean...> tag?
Which about filters are true?

A- Filters may be used to create request or response wrappers
B- Wrappers may be used to create request or response filters

Correct answer is A (answer is on page 703)

Why is the answer is A? On what page should I look in order to see an example that Filters may be used to create request or response wrappers. I only see that you could extend wrappers.

I don't know if it's related but on page 689 it also shows that by extending an HttpServletResponseWrapper, the filter could get custom Response object that it sends to the servlet. Then that servlet could write output to that custom Response. So p689 doesn't try to show that filters may be used to create response wrappers.
[ December 24, 2006: Message edited by: Firas Zuriekat ]
So the following is working:

RequestDispatcher rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/red");

because "/red" matches pattern "/red/*" that's declared in web.xml above, right?

Or is it working because it looks in the Context and finds "red" there with disregards with the DD above?

[ December 23, 2006: Message edited by: Firas Zuriekat ]
yes, this clears many things. If one could remember that EL almost never throws an Exception or Error (it's very forgiving), then the output here will be nothing when ${request.noise} is used (request doesn't exist in EL).

So that's why we get this result even when using this non-existent "request".

EL is cool
[ December 18, 2006: Message edited by: Firas Zuriekat ]

"noise" in this case is a request attribute and not a parameter. Therefore, the output of ${requestScope.noise} is nothing. This is because "noise" as a parameter is not defined.

Please let me know if I am correct?
congratulation Kalaivanan,
It's a great score. You virtually got all questions right!

can you please send me the notes on my email

If this method returns a String, doesn't it return an Object implicitly ?

(string instanceof (Object)) is True
(object instanceof (String)) is False.

So an object (an instance of Object) is not a a String.
So getInitParameter() does not return object. This is because Object is neither a subtype nor an implementer of String. If it were, then we could safely say getInitParameter() returns the subtype Object. But it isn't so we can't that.
[ September 10, 2006: Message edited by: Firas Zuriekat ]
Yes, I am sure. Please have a look here:

May be somewhere in the world, there is at most 1% percentage of employers who prefer to see a high score in the test taker's score report. But this is only what I feel.

But so far achieving a high score has mostly a high effect in encouraging the exam taker more than any other inherit benefit in the score itself (i.e., the score has practically no value to employer but it�s a self-esteem booster).

The situation is a little different for recent college graduates (where GPA score is more important).

I don't know if this is a good thing. What do you think?
Yes, but tougher is not always better.

A little bit tougher is OK.

Score doesn't mean much to employers anyway so it's better to pass in the shortest time possible. So tougher means more time and energy so it's not better.
May I ask why you say 78% is low?

Is it relative to others here or compared to your Whizlabs score average?


2) No request comes from the client for more than "session timeout" period

I don't understand why 2 is correct. I think for it to be correct it should be worded correctly (in terms of grammer and syntax). For it to be correct, it should be worded as follows (for e.g.):

2) No request comes from the client

You just can't talk apple and oranges. I mean you can't talk request and period. This is because request is not a form of time (period).

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Hi Kalaivanan,

Great score!

I am preparing for SCWCD exam. So please email me the notes please.

sorry still don't get it. Look at the following:

I have 2 Questions:

Q1) Doesn't Line 2 above make the handle, obj, thread safe?
Q2) When the question asks about variables, does it really mean the objects the variables point to or the variables them selves? I mean is it asking about obj or the object that obj points to?

Again the questions is quoted as follows: "Which of the following variables in the above code are thread safe?". So regarding ctx, is the question asking about the variable itself (ctx) or the object that ctx refers to?
[ July 01, 2006: Message edited by: Firas Zureikat ]