mallika shah

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since May 11, 2006
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Recent posts by mallika shah

Hello friends,

I was asked in an interview about validation of XML documents.How do you validate an XML document???
Can someone please help me answering this question.


Before going for a Walkin for java job(freshers), I wanted to know what happens they interview the subject in deep??
Please let me know the process if anybody has any experience .

thank you
15 years ago
Hello Rancher friends,

I have cleared these exams and now I wanted to go for something in Websphere, but I am not able to understand and decide which IBM certification to go for in websphere.
please hlep!!

hello friends,

I am new to QTP and have to put some validation tests to my site .
There are 4 to 5 pages, where i have to see if they are getting loaded properly,like from page 1 to page 2 is going smoothly or not.

Can anyone please give me a little bit of idea how to start.

16 years ago
Hello All,

Like Workshop for Weblogic, can be open a browser inside netbeans IDE.?

can someone please let me know if this certification is still there or has it been withdrawn??
and if its withdrawn then what is the replacement of this exam??

Hello All,

I was curious to know if anybody has used Workshop for Weblgic?
Is there any other good IDE which can be used with Weblogic?

16 years ago
Thank you so much Amit.

16 years ago
Hello ,

I want to install Weblogic Server on my computer. But the Operating System is Vista. Will it be compatible ?
The other thing is, I went on BEA's site, it has WebLogic Platform whcih includes Server, Integration , Portals..etc..
What should I need to get? the whole Platform of only the server?

IS there any good guide on how to use Weblogic (install) in developing enterprise applications?

16 years ago
Thank you all for the replies ..As Sun is giving a free Glassfish Server training, I should learn and implement the same with NetBeans.
WebLogic too seems to be a good option.

Thanks again!

16 years ago
Hi Karthi Keyan,

Nice to see your reply to my message. I was waiting for some reply desperately.

Actually I am not sure about this, as which server should be installed.
I have learned jsp, servlets and Enterprise beans. Now I want to use all this along with server client knowlegde ,..
I know this seems to be elementary, but please help me guiding.

Any server installation which is free would be perfect ..

Waiting for your reply..
16 years ago
Hello Friends,

I completed my SCJP , SCWCD and BCD , But still dont have a good practical knowledge..I have two computers at home. So I thought of making one computer as Server the other one as client. Both of my computers are Vista.

Can someone please suggest me how to do this. I dont have any idea.How to make a Server and the other computer as Client.
If any good site please suggest.

16 years ago

I have some code like this:

<select name="selections">
<option value="option0">Select One</option>
<option value="option1">Option1</option>
<option value="option2">Option2</option>

<input type="textbox" name="text1">

and a submit button.
When you click the submit button, based on options and text entered,the results page would be displayed, with the drop down and text box again on the page.
What i want is: If the user selected Option1 in the drop down, that search type should remain until the user either changes the selection or ends their session.
But i find that the first option comes back again.

how can i achieve this functionality?

16 years ago
Hello friends,
I am working on a web page where there are 5 checkbox selections on left page navigation, based on which the items would be displayed.
under five checkboxes, there is a submit button to search based on checkbox criteria,
But when i click the search button,, the items are displayed according to the criteria, but hte check mark disappears,
I want the check mark to be persisted , so the user is able to know based on what selections he has got he products list.

How to do it?

16 years ago
Thanks Chandra.
