I used the Java Audio resources to create a Java Audio Applet. I am familiar with the JMF and you really do not need that resource to do what you are looking to do.
I could never get that code to work while testing in my IDE-- I juse Borland and Netbeans... no matter the version of of the sdk... that said -- I can use getcodebase outside of the IDE environment.. I think I had a problem with getimage and getcodebase used together within the IDEs. I also have not updated my version of Java.. so thank you for the heads up.
Yes, however you made me think of another issue. I am using doGet which I have used in the past-- with no problem. I think I will try the doPost but really see no reason why that would work.
The thing is-- it works when I re-install the class file on the server. It works fine in my local test environment-- doget... but since I have tried everything else, I will give the dopost a try...
I check the current date with data already stored. If the date has changed I retrieve the new data file.. Unless I reinstall the servlet- after the date change-- the process will not trigger when called from a web page. I am deleting the contents of a table and adding new data for the current date.
I have used this process elsewhere and it works fine and if it was not working it would not work when I upload a new copy of the servlet. It does work.
I am using JDBC to update a database daily. The servlet acts on date triggers. The problem-- unless I reinstall the servlet each morning -- the database will not update. Looks like some sort of initialization problem. I am not sure if with my server or tomcat.
Yes, I am having the same problem and use applets quite a bit. I noticed the Crossword applet the Washington Post uses -- also flickers in the Mac FireFox browser. Safari works fine. So does FireFox on the PC.
Does anyone know if Mozilla plans to look into or fix this issue?
C:\Java\Game>java MoonBaseAlpha
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerExceptio
at java.applet.Applet.getCodeBase(Unknown Source
at MoonBaseAlpha.init(MoonBaseAlpha.java:213)
at MoonBaseAlpha.main(MoonBaseAlpha.java:1390)
This error occurs when you are running from most IDE's or if the resource you are looking for is not located in the same directory as the class or jar file.
You know-- I have never tried the MySQL connection from an applet and assumed it could not be done. What about RSS/XML feeds from servers other than the one the applet was served from?
Since AJAX has become very popular- with its ability to connect to server side resources from the client browser-- will or has the Java applet follow suit? Maybe it has already, however I cannot find anything that suggests you can now access server side resources like a MySQL database.