Harry Chawla

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since Jun 03, 2000
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Recent posts by Harry Chawla

Hi Bill
Thanks a lot for ur invaluable tips.
I tried the second version
and it works fine on IE. In netscape, it works fine if one uses keyboard but with mouse, it selects on the text on the left hand side from the point of click and doesn't select any text on righthandside. I'm still wondering if i can use something to work the same way on both these browsers.
BTW how good is the Javascript book by ORiely. I'd prefer to get a book preferable which has good stuff on both Javascript and DHTML. Do u have any recommenddation?
Thanks again.
I was wondering if i can select the text area in a text box, whenever the that text box gets the focus; usingJavascript or DHTML.
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
I was wondering if i can set a default button on my web page using Javascript or DHTML.
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thanks Bill for keeping it going.
Hi Manav and Bill
Thanks a lot for ur valuable suggestions. I knew about hide but didn't know about show.
I'm writing this reply to make this a current question for today.
Thanks Bill and Manav
Hey! Bill, I deleted those kind words cos' I didn't want to discourage other ranchers from sharing info. I appreciate your efforts to keep the ranch running.
Yes, I'd been using it for DHTML
for eg. onMouseOver="id1.style.visibility='visible'";
where id1 id the value of id for DIV tag.
I'm still unable to figur out what will be it's equivalent in Netscape.
and what's the effect of DIV's postion attribute and it's values on IE and Netscape. I'm getting some weird behaviour on Netscape if I specify attribue.
Thanks to both of you for enlightening me.
[This message has been edited by Harry Chawla (edited December 13, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Harry Chawla (edited December 14, 2000).]
Can anybody plz tell me what's the Netscape equivalent of IE's DIV tag. IS there anyt tag which Ican use on both for this functionality.
Does anybody know any web sites which give us Netscape and IE comparision and tag comparision etc.
[This message has been edited by Harry Chawla (edited December 13, 2000).]
Hi Bill
I tried to search through the maze or articles and tutorials at www.dhtml.com but could not come acroos the stuff i'm looking for.
I'd really appreciate if you can pls suggest me the link of the tutorial you've mentioned.
Thanks and regards.
Thanks Rosie
I appreciate your help and valuable suggestions.
Thanks a lot Bill.
I appreciate your help and it's amazing to get such a quick response.
Can somebody pls tell me how to display a message bubble at onMouseOver. I want to display the message when the mouse moves over the button or a hyperlink.
Also if u can suggest some good resources on the web for HTML and Javascript Tricks etc.
Hi Shilpa
that's a funtastic score...CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS
I'd been searching for ur post and finally when I searched for 92%, i found it.
All the Best.
I believe the main thing is that u crossed over the 90% figure cos' SCJP was a foregone conclusion for uuuu..
All The Best
COngratulations Srinivasan,
Excellent score
true and false are keywords, null is not.
u need to put ; at the end of statements.
For class declaration, the question specifically mentions what all to to use, e.g.
public, private, protected, extends, implements, interface, ClassA, ClassB
So if {} are not there in the list, one shouldn't use them.
I'm not sure about using "", but u can try to post it as a separate post, but before doing that, pls search for it in previous posts.
[This message has been edited by Harry Chawla (edited September 05, 2000).]
Congratulations Anwar
Thats a great score.
All the Best.