Vijesh Vijayanath

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since May 13, 2006
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Recent posts by Vijesh Vijayanath

Giving a try
If i am fortunate enough, i will get a copy of the book
12 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions.
It is correct that I can use the methods for pausing the audio recording when the app goes background.

But in my case the app should continue record audio even if it is minimized or running back ground. Then the recording has to stop when we take another audio recording app (for eg. default voice recorder app).

How can I achieve this?

Kindly suggest.
12 years ago
Sorry...Company policy not allowing me to upload or share the code.

It is a blackberry application.

12 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
Need help!

I am having a J2ME application for recording the audio using the 'RecordControl'.
How can I stop audio recording in my application when another audio recording app opens in the smart phone?

How can I handle these kind of interruptions?

Kindly help me with the solution.

Vijesh V Nath
12 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
I developed one android application which is having some SQL lite DB connection and created the .apk file. I installed the same to real device and started using that 3 months back.

Now i came to know that the app is signed using the debug.keystore certificate and it is having only 1 year validity

Is the application going to stop working once the 1 year complete??

What can i do at this point of time.? Is it possible to edit the debug.keystore and extend the expiry date??

AS per my knowledge, if i am creating a new keystore and and include in my app, that will end up in installing the app as a new app in the device and i will lose all the already loaded data in the database using the older app.

Please suggest .

Vijesh V Nath
13 years ago
Hi Ranchers ,

Problem solved!!!

The web service I was using uses the NTLM authetication (Advanced "Basic HTTP Authentication").

So we added 2 more .jar files in to the lib folder.
1. commons-codec-1.4.jar -
2. commons-httpclient-3.1.jar -

After that we extracted axis.jar and made changes to "client-config.wsdd" in the org\apache\axis\client folder as mentioned below.

Modified "transport name="http" pivot="java: org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender"" to "transport name="http" pivot="java: org.apache.axis.transport.http.CommonsHTTPSender""

Thanks a lot for all for the discussions.

14 years ago

Naren Chivukula wrote:Okay, did you manage to go through the link I provided earlier?

Yes. We have followed the link that you provided and we implemented the http basic authentication mentioned there. But still we are facing the same problem. http basic authentication allows only to enter username and password. But in our case we have domain also.

We also tried "domain\\username" in place of username, still not working
14 years ago

How did you provide username, password and domain details in SOAP UI?

While creating the newSoapUI project, we have to enter the project name and webservice link ( ).
Once we click on OK button, a window will pop up and asks for username, password and domain. If we input everything correct, the stubs will generate.

After that if we try to request any of the methods, we needs to set the same parameters in the "Request properties" section of the request. Then everything will work fine.
14 years ago

Naren Chivukula wrote:Hi Vijesh,

But we don’t know how to provide these credentials from Java servlet to the .NET web service.

This is a basic problem. WSDL you have got should contain operations for authentication and these must be invoked first before doing any application specific web service operation invocation.

Thanks a lot for the immediate reply.
But, how can we do this?

i think if this is working fine in SoapUI tool, it sould work fine from our servlet also...right? (as both are java)
14 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
We would like to consume a .NET web service (.asmx) from Java servlet. While accessing the .NET web service through SoapUI tool, it asks for username, password and domain. Once providing these credentials it is working fine and getting the proper responses.

But we don’t know how to provide these credentials from Java servlet to the .NET web service. Please provide a solution for this.

Thanks in advance.

Vijesh V. Nath
14 years ago
Dear all,
I am using kXML for parsing the XML in my J2ME program for getting the data in between the tags.
Now i wanted to update the data in the XML with some new data. I am able to create new elements, attributes etc. But am not finding a way to insert the data.
Is it possible?
If so, how?
Please help.

Thanks in advance,
Vijesh V Nath
15 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
Please help me out in connecting a java program to MSSQL server 2005.
Also please provide the code snippet and steps for the same

thanks in advance

--Vijesh V Nath
Hi Ranchers,
How can we access .NET WCF services(.SVC)from the Java program?
I tried with .ASMX web service and it is working fine.

please help me out in this problem

Thanks in advance,
Vijesh V Nath
16 years ago
u have to place the PNG image file in res folder
16 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
How can we get the I/O operations occurring in the mobile phones using the J2ME application?

Also i would like to know, how we can capture all the mobile phone key strokes using a back ground running j2me application?

Vijesh V Nath
16 years ago