Amit K Srivastava

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Recent posts by Amit K Srivastava

I would appreciate if someone mark a copy of Wats Rajneesh guide to me also.
My email id: [email protected]

Thanks in advance,
Amit Srivastava..
This is classpath issue only. Put all your axis libs in D:/axisjars and then set the classpath variable.

Hi Faris,

Communication will be using a SOAP transaction:- Style = document (not RPC)
In the above context not RPC means what? ,can anyone explain me.

There are broadly two style of webservices:
1. Document 2. RPC

Webservice in your qs is document style webservice, SOAP message for document style webservices don't have the process name as the RPC style webservices and have different style of invocation as to RPC style webservices.

To learn more about it refer to this link:

- Amit Srivastava..
Hi Ruijin,

Client handler is something which Webservice client should take care of [Client handler may be enriching soap requests emanating from WS Client with the header information which is supposed to be proccessed by the Webservice's Server handler].
It makes sense for client application's web.xml to capture these information you have mentioned.

Could you please share the idea behind this as i am not so sure why webservice should declare this?

Amit Srivastava..
You don't need to specify handler information in web.xml. Your webservice will learn from webservices.xml only [not from any other place] that a Server Handler has been configured. It will use that server handler class (or chain of handlers) to process the SOAP header information.

Hi Hani,

Handler declaration goes in webservices.xml. Also, you can have a chain of handlers declared in your Web service DD file. If you like to have a Handler class [it should extend jax-rpc handler class] defined in your webservice which you may be using for processing SOAP message header information.
The mention of that handler class goes in webservices.xml. For Axis style webservice the same is placed in server-deploy.wsdd file. Now, how this is specified is something which is specific to target App Server.

Here I will provide a few samples:
1. Websphere:
<handler id="Handler_1066493401322">

2. Weblogic
<handler-chain name="myChain">
<handler class-name="weblogic.handler.ServerHandler" />

3. Oracle AS
<soap-header xmlns:wsa1="http://x.y.z">test</soap-header>

Hope this help.

Amit Srivastava..
Hi All,

When it would be the most appropriate time to take up this sample test before your actual exams.

--Amit Srivastava..
Have you tried deploying using different options in AdminCLient.. One could be your Axis servlet must not be accessible on default url.
18 years ago
Hi MJ,

I am preparing for SCDJWS and refer your notes for this, I am planning to appear for the test in March 2007, I follow javaranch SCDJWS forum for guidance and believe your guide and notes are must for the preparation. I greatly appreciate your efforts you have put in preparing these notes specially the one for SCBCD 5.0, hats off to your commitment in bringing it to a good shape within time.

I will be thankful if you could point me location from where I can download pdf s of your SCDJWS guide and Quiz. I tried sending you mail but it bounced back somehow.

Amit Srivastava..
Thanks everyone and specially Sachin for a good analysis. I also feel that Mastering EJB is not sufficient to cover certain aspects of SCBCD 5.0. For topics like- Persistence, Entity Beans, EJB Query Language (which comprises 50% of Questions) I would recommend EJB 3.0 by Orielly.

Amit Srivastava..
Yes I guess so. The site is not accessible for the past 3-4 days.

I am trying to build and deploy a Java webservice with an existing source; trying to build ear specific to JBoss 4.0.x. I am using WTP eclipse to do so starting with a WSDL.

How should I include source in my generated ear file? I would appreciate any pointer (link having some illustration to use WTP tool will also help) or suggestion from Eclipse WTP user.

Amit Srivastava.
18 years ago

I want to package and deploy Java webservice on websphere 5.1. I dont have WSAD to automate the build process and to generate the Websphere specific deployable ear.

Could you help me with the pointer/ tool or ANT script to generate ear specific to the Websphere?

Amit Srivastava.
18 years ago
I am assuming that your MBean complies the specifications. Check the following-
1. Is the MBean to be monitored is registered with the MBean server? If not create an Agent which will register it with the MBean server (its not a separate server you need to install JDK can be used there).
2. Once registered and the MBean Server is up, you can get the MBean instance from the Server and invoke the various management APIs you have written in your MBean.

18 years ago