Hi Hani,
Handler declaration goes in webservices.xml. Also, you can have a chain of handlers declared in your Web service DD file. If you like to have a Handler class [it should extend jax-rpc handler class] defined in your webservice which you may be using for processing SOAP message header information.
The mention of that handler class goes in webservices.xml. For Axis style webservice the same is placed in server-deploy.wsdd file. Now, how this is specified is something which is specific to target App Server.
Here I will provide a few samples:
1. Websphere:
<handler id="Handler_1066493401322">
2. Weblogic
<handler-chain name="myChain">
<handler class-name="weblogic.handler.ServerHandler" />
3. Oracle AS
<soap-header xmlns:wsa1="http://x.y.z">test</soap-header>
Hope this help.
Amit Srivastava..