This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum.
We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line!
See this thread for details.

Jotnarta Jot

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since May 18, 2006
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Recent posts by Jotnarta Jot

Hi All
I have a WSDL file for dot net web service, I want to create a java web service that reads this WSDL file, any help please???
12 years ago
Thank you Tim for your reply, I am new to web service development, and using Eclipse IDE with J2EE, I built a simple web service and I want to consume it from another web service using SOAP.

Above is my web service, the web service executes and run fine, I want to create another web service to consume the above web service, by sending SOAP message. If you have a simple example it will be great and helpful, thank you for time.
12 years ago
Hi All

I want to develop a web service that consumes a SOAP web service, that accepts a SOAP message and response with a SOAP message. Any help please?

12 years ago
Hi All

I want to create an application client to my web service. and that needs the artifact classes.. In Ant file, I got an error stating that not found???

Any help please

Thank you for your time and consideration
14 years ago
Hi All
I am new on JSF and I am trying to develope a small page that displays a texbox from JSF library. I defined the ServletFaces class in the web.xml file as following:

I've created a jsp page called contribute.jsp that contains the following:

The last page is a HTML file that calls the above faces page like following:

But, when I run the application a download dialog appears that ask me to save the contribute.jsp page to disk. I am using Eclipse IDE and JBoss 5 AS, any help please??

15 years ago
Hi All

I am developing a simple JEE web application, using MySQL database and JBoss AS on Eclipse IDE. I did create the connection pool parameter and I connected successfully to the database using connection parameters through ds-mysql.xml file in JBoss AS.

My question is, do I need to create a connection class as a skeleton, and pass this connection to other classes or pages to create sql Statement class? or does the connection pooling mechanism is in charge of manageing all the opended connections through the web application?

Please help, and thank you in advance

15 years ago
Thanks buddy,, I have another question?

Where in JBoss could I define the servlet to be autoreloaded?? so that, I don't have to restart the server at each change I make

15 years ago
Hi All

I am trying to create a simple web page that uses JDBC and Database Connection Pooling on MySql DB. I defined the connection pool and it ran perfect, when embedding the connection code inside the jsp page.

When I tried to separate business from logic by butting database connection in a java bean, I got the following error:

my connection class or java bean is :

and I called the above bean in the jsp page as follows:

Please note that when I embed the following code inside the jsp page, the program run correctly and without error.
Any help will be appreciated, thank you in advance

15 years ago
Hi all

Here is the solution for my problem..

In JBoss 5, you have to put the mysql-ds.xml file in the following location:
$JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy... It's different than JBoss 4..

Thank you alot
15 years ago
Yup, I am still trying to solve this problem, but I couldn't
15 years ago
Hi All

Any one know how to configure a mysql datasource in JBoss??? I am using JBoss 5 and mysql 5, I tried everything, and read everything, , can anyone help me , pleassssssssse... I always get the following error

following is my mysql-ds.xml file:

and following is my client:

Another questions is, do i have to change something in other files?? and where can i find the log for JBoss server???

Any help please???
15 years ago
Hi All

I unzipped JBoss 5 again, and I replaced the default hsql-ds.xml file with mysql-ds.xml, following is my file:

and this is my jsp file:

What's wrong with my code, any help please???
15 years ago
Yes I did, Is there any other configuration files that I must changed???
15 years ago
This is my mysql-ds.xml file:

and this is my jsp file which i used to try my datasource:

One thing, If I changed my datasouce name other than DefaultDS, I'll get a NamingException..

Any help pleeeeeeeease??
15 years ago
I tried another table, it gave me the same results. One noticed thing is that connection is established, but when you try to run an sql statement against a given table, it will give you an error message stating that table don't exist......
15 years ago