sameera kocharekar

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since Apr 23, 2001
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Recent posts by sameera kocharekar

Hi Rony
thanks a lot
needed the boosting
with the java market a little going haywire
i was a little tensed so couldnt really descide on whether to take further certifications
thanks a lot
I would like to know that even if i havent got a development experience for EJB should i plan to give the Websphere or Weblogic certification exams.
Would it be helpful for me i n my career like in securing a better job.
I have cleared the Java certification exam conducted by Sun
Have these certifications helped others like me !!!
Would like to know!!!
Hi guys
I have a jsp page which takes some parameters from the user when i submit the page i check for some errors and if there are no errors then forward it to another page
Now if i use the browsers back button to go 1 step back it gives me an error
"Data Missing !!!
This document resulted from a POST operation and has expired from the cache. If you wish you can repost the form data to recreate the document by pressing the reload button. "

Then if i again click on Back button of browser then it takes me to the previous page
Can anyone tell me why is it so
Is it bcoz of the Forward tag
And plz can anyone tell me a solution for this
22 years ago
Why dont u use a cookies.I mean set cookie with maxage as 0 so that when the user closes the browser the cookies expires ie gets deleted.
So when he agains logs in with another browser he would be asble to de so..
22 years ago
u need to have a SMTP server
and there are different packages which u can use
or u can use javamail
these two i know of
both these i have used in my code
there may be others
so u need to descide..
22 years ago
Well Well sameera
u have got me wrong i guess
See i get session.isNew() false bcoz i am in the same browser and not bcoz session expiry
What i want is that it should increase the count
I open a browser and type the url
and the hitcount increses by 1
now in the same browser i type
i acces 1-2 pages concept is to go to another site and come back again to my page
ie now again i type
now the referer is NULL but since the session.isNew() returns false the count does not increase
And i want this also to be considered as a hit
22 years ago
Hi guys
i am back again
well thanks gautam
i had been doing the two things
i.e. checking for referer as null and checking for session.isNew() separately
now i am doing it together.Now my refresh problem has been solved.
But i still have a problem
Now take this condition
I open a browser and type the url
and the hitcount increses by 1
now in the same browser i type
i acces 1-2 pages concept is to go to another site and come back again to my page
ie now again i type
now the referer is NULL but since the session.isNew() returns false the count does not increase
And i want this also to be considered as a hit
IS it possible?
I have tried really hard for this....
Plz do help me
22 years ago
i know about Tomcat
it is stored in
here u have the java and class file
So ...hope this helps u
22 years ago
Hi there
well yeah i am checking for the referer in the header and if it is null then only i increase the count
But in this case if i load my page say
(suppose this is the main page of my application)
and check for the referer which is null
and i incr the count
but now if i say refresh ot click the refresh button of the browser then for each refresh it adds 1 to the count.
could u plz tell me a solution for this refresh problem.
And yeah i am storing the hitcount in a file so even if i stop the server no probs..Thnaks
22 years ago
Hi Sam
Well yes if i open a new browser then the count does increase
but it doesnt increases in the same window and yeah it is bcoz the session remains the same
but could u plz tell me a solution for this
like i want the count to increase when
1)Any of the pages of my site are being accessed.
2)if i open a browser open my page and then in same browser i go to hotmail then again i put the url of my site then in this condition also i want it to increase
# And i dont want it to increase when i load my page and refresh
Could u plz help me out
22 years ago
Hi guys
i am using a hit counter
i have created a bean with scope as application and am checking for "session.isNew()"
if this returns true then i increment the counter else i dont.
but the problem is that if i load my page count.jsp and then
go to suppose in the same browser then come back again to my page count.jsp then i want the counter to increment!but it doesnt....
could anyone plz help me with this
Now there is a second option which i am using
I am checking for the referer in the header which gives me the previous page.
gives me
null if i am putting the url in the browser
if i am coming from the same domain it gives me the following url
i am just checking that if the referrer is null or anything other than my machine( where server is present Tomcat 3.2.1) i increment the count but in this case
if i open a new browser and put the url
it increments the counter but when isay refresh it again increments it which i dont want could any one gimme a solution
thanks in advance
i would surely post the code .. if the above explanation is confusing
plz help surely
22 years ago
yes all the stream references are closed. But still it doesn't allow to delete the file.
23 years ago
hi guys
i am creating text file in jsp
but then after using them the server doesnt allow me to delete those files
its says the are in use
but unless i stop the server it doesnt allow me to delete the files
can anyone plz tell me why is this happening
is there any permissions problem
or what?
plz reply asap
thanks in advance sam
23 years ago
hi there
well i am creating a shopping cart and writing into text files
but the problem id that the jsp pages have become vere slow and they take a lot of time to load
is this IOStreams creating problems
could there be a better solutions to this like writing a XML file or accessing a databse rather than writing files
plz do reply as soon as possible
thanks in advance
23 years ago
I am running an example from the docs in j2eesdk1.2.1
the Account example
I am getting an error while running the client of a bean managed persistent entity bean
i am connection to a sql database
in the makeconnection method
It is getting the datasource
but when i say
con = ds.getConnection("sa","");
it does not give the con object
but gives an error
Caught an exception.
java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.RemoteException: Could not create Entity EJB
java.rmi.RemoteException: Could not create Entity EJB

Could anyone plz tell me why is this error coming