Pushkar Choudhary

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since May 21, 2006
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Recent posts by Pushkar Choudhary

Home country: India
Other countries I've been to: UK, Thailand, Israel.

Liked UK quite a bit (though I was there only for a month). Just a week each in Thailand and Israel and would love to visit again!
11 years ago
A simple (but honest) question, "do you have anything to hide?"

If you don't, there's nothing to worry.
11 years ago
As a part of "career" (not carrier) guidance, I would advice you to work on your communication skills and especially English (unless you are working in a company / country where English is not used at all), since you would typically need good English to communicate across borders.

If you think your Core Java skills need improvement and if you think you cannot get more exposure to Core Java from your current job, you can try to work on some freelance projects in your spare time or even try some small apps on your own.

And, Welcome to JavaRanch!
12 years ago
Yeah, I've noticed it too. The whole page refreshes when I press the thumbs-up button.
12 years ago

Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:If I switch my job, I am thinking that new company again will check my documents and find that I do not have 60% in Engineering (57%), so there can be a problem.

I have lesser % marks in Engineering than yours mentioned above and the degree (although Engg) is not Computer Science or IT.

I've been working in software for more than 6 years (in MNCs) and no one, except in my first job interview, ever asked me why I have lesser than 60% in my Engg. All that the recruiters were bothered about was, whether my skills map well with the job requirements.

Hope that helps.

12 years ago
Welcome to JavaRanch, Robel!
12 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:Response rate to a banner at the top: about 0.04%

Response rate to the one liner at the bottom: about 4%

I wonder if some of those additional clicks are because of people tricked (not intentionally by JR) into thinking that this link could be an extension of the discussion, like the OP mentioned?
12 years ago

Nishit Sharma wrote:
I want to use the 2nd approach as it doesn't depend upon any websites to check for internet connection. So, can anybody tell me how to do it.

So, what have you tried so far? Are you facing any problems with your code?
Have you accidentally got a date that was for another Greg Charles?
12 years ago
I'm not sure I understand what you want to achieve. Can you explain a bit more?
12 years ago
Can you post the error log?
12 years ago
Cool! Thanks Jeanne!!
Just want to take this opportunity to thank all the Bartenders, Sheriffs, Paul and everyone else here on Javaranch! You're doing a fantastic job guys..!!

Thank you for all your time and efforts!

13 years ago

John Jai wrote:But today all the tabs shows only JForum.

Yeah, I'm seeing the same when I access Javaranch on Chrome. Also noticed that the Tab Names are "JForum" only when I access a forum (i.e. the main page in any forum with topics listed). When I open any topic, I can see the topic name as the Tab Name. The problem is only when I open the main page of any forum like MD, Ranch Office, etc.

13 years ago
In India as far as I know, it is common practice to *demand* salary slips. What I mean by demand, is that when you go for an interview, you don't show salary slips voluntarily, you *have to* show them.

13 years ago

Henry Wong wrote:The city infrastructure feels overwhelmed.

True. I guess it's the same with most Indian big cities. Although, there are a lot of efforts being made to improve the infrastructure, like the Sea-link and the Metro Rail, but yes, still a long way to go to improve.

Henry Wong wrote:
BTW, how come nobody in Mumbai calls it Mumbai? The city is still referred to as Bombay.

Bombay is a name given by the British. The city was known by different variations of Mumbai prior to the arrival of the Portuguese and the British. The name was officially changed from Bombay to Mumbai in 1995. You can read this in more details here.

13 years ago