Sundar Ram

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since May 22, 2006
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Recent posts by Sundar Ram

Congratulations!! Great Scrore

- Sundar
16 years ago

But that would give mantissa and exponent in binary, and it would also miss out the extra 1. which is added to the mantissa.

How can we convert the binary mantissa and exponent back?
Do you mean there will be a loss of precision?

Thanks again.

16 years ago
Any idea when Sun will anounce new SCDJW exam? Current exam is there for quite long time, will sun revise it any time soon?

~ Sundar ~

But it does not return 0.15 as mantissa and 2 as exponent.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
There are some typo, here is the correct one:


How do I get Mantissa and exponent from double?

For eg.
* If the value is 15.0E0 then I want to get mantissa =.15000, exponent = 2
* If the value is 1.3E-3 then I want to get mantissa = .13000, exponent = -2

How can we do this in java? Any pointers is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago

How do I got Mantissa and exponent from double?

For eg.
* If the value is 15.0E0 then I want to get mantissa =.25000, exponent = 2
* If the value is 1.3E-3 then I want to get mantissa = .13000, exponent = -2

How can we do this in java? Any pointers is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago

Is there a data structure similar to database view? I have a list containing thousands of data, and I want to get a sublist matching the conditions which I specify(It is multiple conditions which I want to specify).

Any help is higly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

~ Sundar ~
16 years ago

I have been looking for a developer reading list for becoming a better developer. What are the books you think is required for becoming a good developer?

I googled and found this link which is relevant to this post:

Please feel free to give any suggested readings.

~ Sundar ~
16 years ago

Originally posted by Sundar Ram:

I got an application which uses Netscape security model....

Sorry its an applet. And i get the following error message if i try to run it:

"Netscape security model is no longer supported. Please migrate to the Java 2 security model instead."
16 years ago

I got an application which uses Netscape security model and I could not find the home page of the Netscape security model to get the supporting library.

Now the applet fails because it does not have any library files related to Netscape security model. So any pointers for getting the applet running is appreciated.


~ Sundar ~
16 years ago
Please share the time taken for you to prepare and suggested readings to get through the exam. It will be of great help.

Thank you.
17 years ago
Congrats dude!!

Did you do SCEA 5? If so, please share the preparation method and references which would be of great help to everyone who takes SCEA 5.
17 years ago
Great Congratulations!!

Can you please give some suggestions for wannabe architechts?