Hareendranath Babu Kotha

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since May 22, 2006
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Recent posts by Hareendranath Babu Kotha

Charles Owen : "Where are your web pages (jsp,html) for your application located? It's a good idea to have an index.jsp as your welcome page. You can specify your welcome page in the web.xml for your application. "

Thanks Now it is working with out getting 404 error with welcome page option. i did not kept relative path properly last time.

My question is cant i proceed with out mentioning the welcome page ?


Thanks in advane :
14 years ago
Bear Bibeault : Sorry its Tomcat 6.0

Charles Owen : "Where are your web pages (jsp,html) for your application located? It's a good idea to have an index.jsp as your welcome page. You can specify your welcome page in the web.xml for your application. "

i am getting 404 Status Error upon click on "Testing" application link in Tomcat Home Page. I tried wiht your idea. But it did not work !!!

Can anyone help me out please.

Thanks In Advance,
14 years ago
Hi Everybody,

I am a new bee to Java Web applications. I am using Java 1.6 and Tomcate 1.6 to run one small example to start with .I am facing a problem while trying to run my application . This is the directory i am following "C:\Program Files\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\Testing"

Testing Folder contains WEB-INF folder and this WEB-INF contains web.xml and classes folder. I am able to see Tomcat home Page successfully ,and my application name is being listed with the lsit of default example applications. when i tried clicking on "Testing" . I am getting 404 Error. The thing is when i tried placing error-page tag in web.xml it is being redirected to respective page. Find below the piece of code in web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
<description>a basic application.</description>

indexing.html is placed parallelly to WEB-INF.

Can any one help me What could be going wrong. i want see all the contents(jsps/htmls etc..) in "Testing" application.

Thanks in Advance ,
14 years ago

Hi ,

i'm facing a problem with my listeners when i use CardLayout . my listeners are working properly without CardLayout.I tried using all the listeners i can use, but i'm not able to crack the problem.

can any one help me please.

Thanks in Advance,
16 years ago
As i said i'm having separate lists , i kept the code which i wrote. even though i'm having separate lists for separate categories i'm seeting them in only model called activeFiltersListModel , with right transfer button i'm adding the selected values from availableFiltersList to activeFiltersList and respective models of lists will be updated.

As i said i want to display the selected values in ActiveFilters Section with the way i specified.

Thanks in Advance,
16 years ago
16 years ago
i'm storing them in 3 different JLists only. But while displaying i have to display them in above mentioned manner.
can any one suggest me how to display the lists in specified manner.

Thanks In advance,
16 years ago
Actually we have our requirements like that. can any one provide some solution please .

Thanks in Advance
16 years ago
Hi All ,

In continuation to my previous post , please see the screen shot to know the way i want to display.

Thanks In Advance,

16 years ago
Hi ,

I am new to Swings Programming.Iwant to display the contents of JList in the below specified way :


Cities :
Games :
Want to segregate the contents of JList based on Respective catagories.
I have other three Jlists which contains Cities , States and Games separately.

Can any one suggest me any idea of how to do it.

Thanks in Advance.
16 years ago
Hello ,

i am new to Swing Programming. I am facing a problem in providing listener for my JPanel . My panel consists of nearly 30 TextFields and 4 ComboBox Components , I am having a requirement in such a way that what ever the change that is going to happen in the panel components it should be listened by one listener. can you suggest me any idea of which kind of listener will fulfill my requirement ?

Thanks in Advance,
16 years ago
Hi ,

I also got the same problem, but it got resolved once i selected System DSN instead of User DSN. So, trying with System DSN will resolve your problem.
Hi All,

I am using JdbcOdbc Bridge for connecting with Back End DataBase (MS Access). I Created/Registered Data Source(DSN) also. But, I am getting SQLException with the comments " Data Source Not Found or No Default Driver Specified" message.

Following are the Steps i followed for configuring Data Source.

Start Menu ==> Settings==> Control Panel==> Administratvie Tools and selected Microsoft Data Access Driver [*.mdb]

Can any One figure Out What would be the Problem.

Thanks in Advance,
Yes TFVDiscrepancyTypesDTO implements equals method.
17 years ago
Hi Thanks for your Reply,

even me also not able to trace this . Can any one suggest me for geeting thru this.

Thanks in Advance
17 years ago