Flom Xanther

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since May 26, 2006
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Recent posts by Flom Xanther

Hi Ranchers,

phew, today I got the mail, that I passed the JEE5 architect certification - I got the result 6 days after the essay exam.
Thank you, for all the threads in the OCMJEA forum.

My experience:
1. Exam - 78%
The exam was tricky, the questions where long, but there was nothing unexpected or weird stuff. I took the whole time. (120min I think)
I've done the whizlabs mocks a lot of times, which where very helpful and realistic.
For me, this was the hard part - but the interesting one, as I'm using mainly tomcat, spring, hibernate, it was very impressive to see Oracle's default architectures and solutions.

  • Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide
  • Sun Core J2EE Patterns
  • GoF Book - Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

  • 2. Assignment - scored 138
    Choose your favourite UML tool!
    I used UMLet, which was quite cool - as you can edit the diagram as text, but not comparable to Enterprise Architect from Sparx, especially with sequence diagrams and comfort, over all I found UMLet very nice, so clean, so fine, so focused.
    I needed and wanted a free UML tool, as I'm using GNU/Linux at home - Unfortunately I didn't try ArgoUML, but it looks quite good, in terms of comfort and ease of use.
    The assignment was alright, of course, I thought there is everything missing in the specs - but this is quite realistic So I made proper assumptions and didn't make it complicated.

    I hope my examiner used a widescreen, the sequence diagrams where quite wide, I wouldn't suggest this.

    3. Essay exam - took 4 days after submitting the assignment
    The questions where variations of the ones, posted in this blog.
    I prepared answers for each question, that helped to think about and to remember the solution.

    I wrote quite a lot for each answer and spent an hour on it in the exam. (one hour was left)

    A word on the pearson test procedure, a few years ago I took the SCJP, SCWCD certifications, but I didn't need to give me signature three-times and to be photographed for each exam The photos look really bad and weird, this was quite funny.

    11 years ago
    I looked at my corners of Jave EE, Applets, JCA (Connectors), IDL. - But missed JCA-Java cryptography API.
    Today, I scored 78% on the first part of the exam - Not that awesome, but passed.

    What I remember:
    There were just a few questions related to patterns.
    I didn't know the exact responsibilites of the different roles in EE - application assembler, deployer - and what are the able to do.

    I think the whizlabs mocks are quite applicable for the exam as I scored 70%-90% percent on them.


    Yes I took the whizlabs mocks a few times.
    PDF looks good, Thanks for your answer!

    Hi Ranchers,

    I'm taking part I on 22nd, in 2 days. I think I'm prepared quite good, but getting nervous, that I missed something..

    Do you have any hints, how to best prepare in the next 2 days?

    Thank you very much!

    I think if you use fully-quallified-names, it will be clear:

    So you see, there is simply no inheritance-relationship between those two classes.
    yes you're right.

    In this two lines your are using OverLoadOrOverRideParent as the reference-type,
    and OverLoadOrOverRideParent.show6() declares that it throws an IOException.

    If you are using OverLoadOrOverRideChild as the reference-type, it compiles because OverLoadOrOverRideChild.show6() does not declare that it throws any exceptions!

    If your are using the Parent-Type you are "talking" to the methods of the parent at compile-time (polymorphically the subclass-children-methods will be called at runtime)

    So, you have to take care of the method-signature and throws-clauses of the parent-type (if you are using that reference-type).

    Well, as the compiler tells you..

    You have either to catch the thrown exception or you have to declare, that the calling-method (the main-method) is able to throw that Exception.

    Yes, this code will not compile,
    as Line 10 throws an IOException, which is a checked exception and the method OverLoadOrOverRideChild1.show6() does not declare that in its throws clause.

    I would say,

    is more efficient, as this operation could reuse an existing String-Object from the String Literal Pool.

    In opposite to

    which is always creating at least one brand new String-Object on the heap.


    Are you sure this will even compile?

    I think it wouldn't compile, because line 10 is surely unreachable code!

    you absolutely need:
    ejbRemove() - from MessageDrivenBean Interface - and
    onMessage(Message m) - from MessageListener Interface

    without them - it won't compile.

    Thanks a lot Chris, Paul!

    17 years ago
    Hi Chris,

    the files are in the "lib"-folder of a webapp.
    I have to know, if it is predictable, how the resource are getting loaded.

    17 years ago
    Hi Ranchers,

    I have a question:

    We have 2 JAR-Files, say:
    - a.jar
    - z.jar

    they contain the same structure and files with the same filenames BUT with different content.

    Which of the JARs will win? Which Files will be used?

    Thanks a lot!

    17 years ago