Henry Lowell

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since May 29, 2006
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Recent posts by Henry Lowell

Stripes does look interesting. I found myself laughing and often times shaking my head in agreement on the Stripes vs Struts page.

The documentation even looks better than several established frameworks. I'll give it a look when I have time. If anything, just to say I am familiar with it. Thanks for the link.
Problem solved. I ran across this on the JSF mailing list. (Thanks Julian).

I put this in an abstract class that my servlets extend. Works great!
18 years ago
Ok, I have run into a problem. The service beans from the manged bean facility aren't available to non JSF code. So if I code up a servlet and try and grab one of my services from session, since the JSF cycle hasn't kicked off the creation of said bean yet because no JSF view has been rendered and requested the bean, it doesn't exist.

So unless someone knows how to force JSF to create the bean outside of a JSF page, I am out of luck.
18 years ago
The only thing that comes to mind immediatly is threading issues. However, I don't see how that would be any different from Spring. Do you or does anyone happen to know in what context/scope spring persisted beans are kept? Application, Session, ...? That may be the only real difference.
18 years ago
We can't use Spring in our current project. I won't go into why. But we are using JSF so I figured I could use JSF's managed bean facility to do what I normally use Spring for and that is to inject DAO's into Service classes and access those service classes within the application.

Actually, let me back up. First, I created my own ServletContextListener that read my own really simple XML file and did the same thing. I threw all the services in application scope. But as I was configuring my backing beans for the JSF pages, I realized I could probably do the exact same thing I was doing with my own listener using the managed bean facility.

So what I do is declare a bean for my DAO and then declare a bean for my Service and inject that dao into the service using the managed-property (sound familiar?). Because there are parts of the application that doesn't use JSF but still needs access to the services, I have to place both the dao bean and the service bean in session scope.

My question is, does anyone see a downside to this? Any gotchas?
[ June 16, 2006: Message edited by: Henry Lowell ]
18 years ago

Originally posted by Mani Venkatesan:
And for the poster with 14 GB more space, is that a flash disk based player? I use mine a lot while exercising and feel comfortable knowing that there is no hard disk to conk out.

No, it is a harddisk and you can't run or excersise with it. Currently, that is not an issue for me. I play basketball quite a bit and I wouldn't even wear a flash driven player while doing so.
18 years ago
The e200 is more expensive than my Zen Sleek and even has 14 GB less storage capacity.

I don't have anything against iPods. I just look to get the most for my buck. And with MP3 players, memory is my #1 concern.
18 years ago
Saw some other TabbedPane questions. Thought I would tag (no pun intended) along.

I am curious about the Tomahawk TabbedPane component. From the documentation and examples, it appears that each tab is rendered when the page is rendered. But I could be wrong.

What I am looking for is a way to use a TabbedPane as link tabs. So that if I click on a tab, the associated managed bean with that tabs form is instantiated the same as if I navigated to a specific JSF page. Is this possible with this component?
18 years ago
I am using Tomcat 5.0.28 and jdk1.4. I am compiling and deploying with Ant 1.6. When I deploy an app to Tomcat and there is an exception in my code I am not getting the line number displayed. I'll get something like:

at com.app.persistence.jdbc.JdbcUserDAO.manageUser(Unknown Source)

Is there some compiler setting I need to adjust to make these show up? Is it possible to set this with the ant task?

18 years ago

Originally posted by Dave Lenton:
I recently purchased a Zen Sleek, rather then going for an iPod. It may be ugly as hell and have an interface which makes unix seem intuitive, but its cheaper then an iPod, I don't have to use a proprietary file format, it includes a radio, and sounds great.

I love my Zen Sleek Photo. 20 GB storage, voice recorder, FM Radio, and Color screen for images....at about half the cost of a comparable iPod. And there are enough similar compatable gadgets to go with it to keep me happy.

And just to keep all my friends, I love the Mac. I just think the iPod is overhyped and overpriced.
[ June 13, 2006: Message edited by: Henry Lowell ]
18 years ago
I have both and use both. I use JSF in Action to see how to do things in real life (sort of) and I use Core JSF for more of a reference guide to the API and Spec.
18 years ago
You can download the tomahawk-examples here which will show you everything you have asked for.
18 years ago
BTW, if anyone else is following this, the initial error went away after we installed all the updates and patches to Websphere 6. However, we get a NamingException thrown because it can't find the JDNI name we have specified. So that is the latest on the support call.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Scott Selikoff:

Did you try waving a couple of saw bucks around?

We pay for support so, yea. We finally got a hold of someone yesterday at around 4:50pm. We had to email them a trace log and several details about our setup. They said they would get back to us in an hour. We are still waiting for the call back. :roll:
18 years ago

Originally posted by Scott Selikoff:
Just a thought, but have you thought of bringing on a websphere expert? Problems like the ones are you experiencing a dime a dozen and trying to trapes through websphere without an expert is often painful.

Yes, we've been trying to contact someone at IBM for a week now. They are in no hurry to return our calls.
18 years ago