Shilpa sathaye

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since May 31, 2006
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Recent posts by Shilpa sathaye

thanks Philip!! I hope working with hidden variable will help.
17 years ago
I will take note of that.
17 years ago
I am developing software apllication using java/jsp,servlets for online aptitude test. I have to track the time for once student loged in for test. Once the time is finished i have to make him exit from application. Since he we will be appearing the test the test screens will be dynamic.

What will be best way to keep track for time??

pls suggest.
17 years ago
thanks Ernest.
I did a mistake in web.xml file. once I did correct that my application started working.
Tnkas a lot again to show to right way to solve the probs.
18 years ago
Is my tomcat path variable are not set properly? how should i solve this problem? and can anybody tell me how to set path variable for tomcat?
18 years ago
I wanted to do a dummy/practice project in home in Java/JSP. Which database I can use? Will MySql wwork? If yes,from where I can download Mysql?

18 years ago