Atish Ray

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since Jun 01, 2006
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Turn on the different verbose options (like printgcdetails or printtenuringdistribution) for gc and see how frequently it's doing garbage collection and what the pattern. You might find as time passes the frequency increasing due to memory leaks in your application that can cause tons of objects occupying unnecessary heap space. That'll give you an initial idea.
18 years ago
Enable extended logs for Apache and check the elapsed time in apache access log first. First make sure it's the application does take lot of time and it's not the latency between user and your web servers. Then dig into your app infrastructure.
18 years ago
Enable extended logs for Apache and check the elapsed time in apache access log first. First make sure it's the application does take lot of time and it's not the latency between user and your web servers. Then dig into your app infrastructure.
18 years ago