harry lee

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since Jun 02, 2006
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Recent posts by harry lee

Hi all,
Can i distinguish between the log out or the session timeout?By this,i can insert session timeout infomation into log table.When it is user log out ,i can insert "user log out" int to log table.So,can i use listener to make this work?
17 years ago
By the way , give you a good telnet movice...

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Enjoy yourself.
17 years ago
Hi all,
how to rewrite the true url in struts?For example,the ie url is:
but the true url is :http://localhost:8080/permissions/page/main.jsp

In fact,before this case , i think it is ok. But now ,when i press F5 to refresh the current page(http://localhost:8080/permissions/) , it actually redirect to login.jsp...not page/main.jsp.

I had modified the code like this:
ActionRedirect redirect = new ActionRedirect(mapping.findForward("display"));
//return mapping.findForward("display");
return redirect;
But still not work.
In a word , i really want to rewirte the url to display the true url-->
Can anyone give me a hand . Thanks a lots!!!
[ September 04, 2007: Message edited by: harry lee ]
17 years ago

Hi,how can i check the element ul.id in the currentRoleList without using for:each.Is that any jstl tag can do it like this: ${element in list} return type is boolean . Thanks.

[BSouther: Added UBB CODE tags]
[ August 29, 2007: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
17 years ago