prabhash singh

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since Jun 05, 2006
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Recent posts by prabhash singh

Dear Ranchers,

Code Snippet of an XML File:-

<ServiceType>Private IP primium</ServiceType>
<peakSpeed label="100kbps" value="100" />

XPath for both the Element


Here I am able to get the value of ServiceType
But nothing i am getting from label or value attribute.

Can anyone please reply why i am not getting the value of attributes (label, value)
Please suggest me what should I do.
Hi Ranchers,

I got stucked in a issue related to a field validation in javascript.

I am getting here a javascript error
can anyone please help me here.

Address1 is a field - The user is entering values like - Rue de I'industries

The user can enter any value containing one or more single quote.

Please help me to resolve this.


Prabhash Kumar

Dear Ranchers,
Today i have cleared SCBCD1.3 with 81%. I am very thankful to kathy & Bert Bates for such a wonderful book. i bet any one can pass the exams (SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD) by using only Kathy & Bert Bates Books.
I am not a very active member of this forum as far as posting. But after completion of three major SUN's certification, really i should must give a them --- THANK yOU VERY MUCH
My next target is SCDJWS.
Kathy & Bert bates -- If you are listening, please write one more book for Sun certified Developer Java web services.

Thank you,
Prabhash Kumar
SCJP1.4 (83%), SCWCD (73%), SCBCD (81%)
Dear Ranchers,
When we write some code in try block then we provide a catch block(or declare exception in the method signature).
My Question is if exception has already been caught in the catch block then why again rethrowing the same exception in catch block and declare the exception in the method signature.

Thanks In advance.

Hi MZ,

I have cleared my SCJP as well as scwcd.Now I want to prepare for SCDJWS. Could you please send me your study notes and Quiz at [email protected]

Thanks in advance,

Dear Ranchers,
any of you please tell me a particular book for the preparation of SCJWS like HF JSP & Servlet.
please respond.
Thanks in advance.

prabhash(SCJP 1.4 SCWCD 1.4)
better purchase book-"CoreServlets & Java Server pages" and go through it.
then You'll feel HFSJ is one the best available book

Prabhash (SCJP 1.4, SCWCD(preparing)
Hi Ranchers,

do we need to know about the deprecated methods for SCWCD exam

Thnaks in advance

Prabhash Kumar (SCJP 1.4)
you are referring the correct specification of servlet and Jsp.
Hi Rahul,
Session level security means , secure the session object. Becuase using Ajax with a web Application, it's easy for Hacker to hack the Session obejct.
Any advice to how to secure the session object at application level, not at Network level. I have already encrypted the password, any way to secure the session object.

Thanks in advance,

Prabhash kumar (SCJP 1.4, SCWCD-preparing)
18 years ago
Session level security means , secure the session object. Becuase using Ajax with a web Application, it's easy for Hacker to hack the Session obejct.
Any advice to how to secure the session object at application level, not at Network level.

Thanks in advance,

Prabhash kumar (SCJP 1.4, SCWCD-preparing)
18 years ago
Hi All
I am working on a financial product.product is completed. the technology used are Struts, AJAX i have to provide seesion level security at application level. means not at server or network level.How can i secure the session object in the application because it's using AJAX Technology.

Any help is much appriciated.

Prabhash kumar
Hi All
I am working on a financial product.product is completed. the technology used are Struts, AJAX i have to provide seesion level security. how can i do. please help.

Prabhash kumar
18 years ago
Hi All,
can you please explain the output in the program below:-

What will be output of the following code: Really interesting

public class test{

public static void main(String args[]){

Integer a1=1000;

Integer a2=1000;


System.out.println("That�s Java ");

if(a1==a2 && a1!=a2){// note this is very confusing.. will you ever think this condition will satisfy?

System.out.println("That�s Java ");


System.out.println(" That�s crazy ");



System.out.println("That�s different ");


System.out.println(" Its Equal");



Thanks in advance,

Prabhash Kumar
Congratulations friend !!!

Really you studied in a very planned way.

Could you pls. send me your notes at [email protected]?

Thanks in advance

Prabhash kumar
SCJP1.4 - (83%)
SCWCD(In Progress)