aleah de guzman

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since Jun 06, 2006
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Recent posts by aleah de guzman

Hi, my application is connecting to another application but that application doesnt have a connection timeout. So i want to handle the connection timeout in my side. For example, my application will try to connect to the other within 15 seconds. If no response yet, an exception will be thrown. How can i achieve this using threads? Can't seem to find suitable example in the net. Thanks in advance.
Hi, i have a main jsp with multiple iframes, one of the iframes resides on domain A and the rest, including the main jsp, is in domain B. im setting the domain property to gain access to all windows. but according to what ive read, domain must be set explicitly to all frames, including the main window holding the iframes. as much as possible, we dont want to inject the setting of domain to all the frames, except to our frame only or/and to the main jsp only, coz other frames belong to another application. is there a way to handle this? or is there a proper place to put just 1 setting of the domain, like *.<domain>, then other domain can recognize?
i have 2 forms, 1 of which is an iframe. i want to get the elements of my iframe to be passed to my other form. before i was doing window.frames[0].document.all.param.value and it was working but when i changed deployed my project in another pc im getting null, im not sure if this is a dependency issue.
how about their tlds? is there a proper way of extending the tlds or i need to get the existing tlds and update them accordingly?
18 years ago
hi, im new in creating custom tags. are existing custom tags can be extended? like the ones in struts (bean, html and logic)?
18 years ago
has anyone know a good and fast grid tag lib?
18 years ago
yes i saw the tlds in the META-INF. thanks for info =)
18 years ago
is there a way that it could behave as frames? coz i dont want to reload the header everytime i do submit on the body. the header's content is not being affected by any transactions done in the body.
18 years ago
in tiles definition, for example i created a layout with header and a dynamic body, this body can be page1 or page2. if im in page1 and i go to page2, will the header.jsp be loaded again or just the body?

<definition name="layout1" path="/layout/template.jsp">
<put name="header" value="/tiles/header.jsp"/>
<put name="body" value="{body}"/>

<definition name="tiles.page1" extends="layout1">
<put name="body" value="/pages/riOut.jsp"/>

<definition name="tiles.page2" extends="layout1">
<put name="body" value="/pages/coverDetails.jsp"/>
18 years ago
where can i get the tlds for struts 1.3.5? coz they are not included in the installation package. all samples were referencing to "".
18 years ago
hi im a newbie in struts and im getting a hard time making struts 1.3.5 work in RAD 6. i created a simple struts application, just having a jsp with link that will go the the next jsp that will show data (data are statically populated by another java bean). everytime i click the link im getting Page Cannot Be Displayed. Both jsps are in WebContent/jsp. In the actionmapping i already tried input="/jsp/bookList.jsp" and input="jsp/bookList.jsp", but still not working.

code in the 1st page:
<html:link action="bookList">Show the booklist</html:link>

actionmapping in struts-config
<action path="/bookList" name="bookListForm"

formbean in struts-config
<form-bean name="bookListForm" type="com.library.BookListForm"/>
18 years ago
hi i have a jsp with an include file but it is giving this error...

Unable to read file [/abps/include/]

what are the possible causes of this error? the include file is already existing in the said folder.
18 years ago
one of the ranchers gave me this link. i havent started studying though but i think this is a very good help.

hi i just registered here in javaranch and im planning to take up the scwc. can anyone please give me tips? like what good book to read, mock exams and some notes. i appreciate your help thanks.