Rishi Krishnan

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since Jun 08, 2006
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Recent posts by Rishi Krishnan

Congrats Marc. How long did it take for you get the results?
Marc, Thanks a lot for your reply.

Yes it is very appropriate to put that in class diagram and I have done that also. But the requirement says the following "Create a component diagram that shows all J2EE components used in the system and their interaction. For example, what EJBs, servlets and/or JSPs might be needed?"

I didn't put those initially. But I don't want to loose marks on a silly mistake.

Please let me know what do you think.
Can we provide association relationships in Component Diagram? I have CMR EJBs and I would like to depict their relationship in component diagram.

I use 2 tools:

In Jude there is no way to model association relationship in component diagrams.

But in StarUML it is possible to do so.

I am confused as to whether we can use association relationship.

Somebody please help.

I am totally confused on this.

From the business stand point Equipment and Seat entities have whole/part relationship. But I am not realizing(using) this relationship in my EJB implementation. DAO takes care of getting seats for a Equipment.

Now do I have to provide a composite relationship between Equipment and Seat?

if I do'nt indicate this relationship in EJB, there is no where in the class diagram that I can show this relationship(between equipment and seats).

Appreciate any thoughts.

Hi Shrinivas,

Can you please let me know how you did that?

Jude Users,

Can you let me know how do we create sequence diagram - alternative scenarios in Jude Community edtion. If this tool does not support it, any suggestion as to which open source has the feature.

Thanks in Advance.
I think you've got me wrong. I suggest you google for these algorithms and have a look at them. They will have answers for both of your reasons.
I completely agree with your definitions about Segment, flight and Route. (Only I defined Route object as Trip object).

But I am not sure if I need Route table. In real world there are various algorithms that can be used to aggregate segments for a selected route. I think this should be done dynamically. If we do this math and store all possible combination of routes in a database table, I am not sure how many thousands/millions of records we might have to store for the entire United States.

So I am assuming that my DAO will take care of this implementation detail.
Thanks Sathya. I shall have a look at it.
Hi Morten,

Thanks for the reply.

How did you achieve the 1-1 bidirectional relationship by introducing the Route Object? Infact I am not sure about the purpose of this Route Object. The user is going to see segments and select seats by segments. My UI will show available seats for all segments in the Itinerary(both one-way and round-trip) in a single screen. So it is up to the user to choose the same seat if available or choose different seats. What is your thought on this?

Actually after thinking about the segment-flight relationship for 2 days, I have decided to add an assumption that "A flight cannot span segments". Afterall the BDM says it is not.

How did you handle the case where in a flight spans multiple segments(Direct flight with multiple stops)?

Here the 1-1 bi-directional relationship is violated. Multiple segments will refer to 1 flight. But 1 segment always refers to 1 flight

Any Thoughts?
Any thoughts about this?
I hope I am not voilating any rules in the forum. If yes, Please delete this message.

I agree that Flight and Segment have one-to-one relationship as per BDM. But 1 flight can used for 2 segments.
Example: The same flight can serve 2 segments:

1. IAD to ORD Segment
2. ORD to LAX Segment (Direct Flight with one stop)

So a segment will have Departure City and Destination City but not flight.

So, ItineraryVO will have something like TripVO and TripVO will have multiple SegmentVOs and one SegmentVO will have one FlightVO. Please let me know if this is not correct.

But my question is, when the user searches for flights, how do you "name" 1 trip containing multiple segments? This is one single unit in search results and cannot be seperated. The User will have to choose one from multiple trips in search results.(May be 2 for round trip).

Any suggestions?

Please understand that I am not fighting for Terminology. I just wanted to name valueObjects appropriately. Having said that,

Flight: It may not be appropriate term because a flight represents a segment(may be multiple). Depature to Destination is not always in a single flight.

Itinerary: This too may not be an appropriate term because when I show a list of departure flights as Search Results, I cannot repersent them as Itineraries.

Would Trip be the right Term? A trip will contain a set of segments from departure to destination. The search results will contain a collection of trips and the user can select 1 trip for departure and 1 for return.

Any suggestions please?

How do you call a group of segments that form a trip from a depature city to destination city? Is it a slice?

What is the Airline Terminology for this?

Please let me know.
