Rohit Sajan

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since Jun 15, 2006
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Recent posts by Rohit Sajan

I have the following requirement. I need to keep a set of key value pair in a collection and also against a particulat key no duplicate values should be added.

Could anyone help in doing the same?
16 years ago
Thanks Merril.

17 years ago
what is the difference between scope and toScope attributes in Bean define tag in struts ?

The books says:
scope : Specifies the variable scope searched to retrieve the bean specified by name. If not specified, the default rules applied by PageContext.findAttribute() are applied.

toScope : Specifies the variable scope into which the newly defined bean will be created. If not specified, the bean will be created in page scope.

But the same is not clear to me. can anyone explain the same?

17 years ago
Can anyone give a simple step by step procedure to deploy and and run a small webservice using axis 2 in either tomcat or weblogic.

I have downloaded the Axis2 Standard Binary Distribution, but the war created out of it didn't get deployed the way it is mention here:

17 years ago
Thanks a lot Deepak!!!

I'm just planning to initiate my SCEA exam. For the preparation of Part 1 which is the ideal book. (I mean one which is available in India.) Also for Part 1 which are good links?

Can I any one reply to my queries?


Originally posted by Saju Pappachen:
I'm SCJP 1.2 edition , Very Strong in Java, Sevlets, JSP. and having 5 years of exp. Web Services just started using it. Eventhough not taken the SCWCD good in the spec for that exam. I have few questions:

1. From Sun site I understand that SCJP is enough to write the SCDJWS exam. is it correct?

2. Which is the best book for the preparation of the book. ?

3. Considering my level (above mentioned) appx. how many days of preparation is required for the same?

thanks and regards

I'm SCJP 1.2 edition , Very Strong in Java, Sevlets, JSP. and having 5 years of exp. Web Services just started using it. Eventhough not taken the SCWCD good in the spec for that exam. I have few questions:

1. From Sun site I understand that SCJP is enough to write the SCDJWS exam. is it correct?

2. Which is the best book for the preparation of the book. ?

3. Considering my level (above mentioned) appx. how many days of preparation is required for the same?

thanks and regards
In a struts based application I'm doing something with saving Japanese characters. Even if I enter japanese characted in the jsp form, it doesn't store the same way in my oracle database and after saving it again showing the junk characters in the browser. But if I manually store those japanse characters in the database from backend, it displays correctly in my jsp(browser). My app. server is tomcat.

Could any one give some light on this?
17 years ago
Fine Option D is wrong. Then how is this option E is correct? It says it will turn of EL evaluation ONLY if declared in DD. That's also worng right? Just because of that 'ONLY' in taht statement
HFSJ chapter 7 using JSP Exm question 6 :

<%@ page isELIgnored="true" %> What is the effect ?

Option D: The JSP containing this diective should NOT have any Expression Lamguage code evaluated by the JSP container.

Option E: This page directive will only turn off EL evaluation if the DD declares a <el-ignored>true</el-ignore> element with a URL pattern that included this JSP.

Books sayd Option E is correct . what I feel is Option D is correct? Could anyone clarify this?
You can have attributes for request, session and context ONLY

Hey your printing something, then flushing and then printing again. What's wrong in that. It's perfectly fine. If you are forwarding something after flushing you will get IllegalStateException

What are the different ways to create Objects in Java? Could anyone help on this?
17 years ago

Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Are you planning on repainting the whole page every time a tab is selected?

When a tab is selected only the JSP curresponding to that tab will be displayed to the user. There is a header display which is common in all tabs and that will be part of the main JSP. but the rest will be one JSP at a time based on the tab selected. (Infact i didn't really get what you meant by repaint) Is it the answer to your question?

Reagrds and thanks for the response.
18 years ago