Rohit Nath

Ranch Hand
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since Jun 16, 2006
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Recent posts by Rohit Nath

Now I have got so used to Gmail labels that I find it really anoying to use folders in my Outlook and keep deciding in which folder my mail shoud go!!!
Lables make my life simpler.
17 years ago
While starting tomcat I am getting following error.

The jar is preset in lib folder but still it is giving error.
how can I fix this issue?

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
"Its my Life!"
"Danger zone"
17 years ago
We are curretly using JBuilder. I need to switch to MyEclipse now. How can I use the project in MyEclipse?

Thanks in advance!
I am getting following error for tomcat.
"HTTP Status 500 - No Context configured to process this request"
In the tomcat log file under tomcat\logs i am getting following error..

Please help!
Thanks in advance!
17 years ago

Places where prices have doubled over the last 18 months will continue to go up and probably double from here on over the next 36 months .

This will happen.
17 years ago
What are the upcomming future locations around Pune that are good options from investment perspective? Most investment options I know are already saturated like hijewadi, Hadapsar and Kharadi. From future perspective, which other locations are good invest options in land around Pune which can give good returns in 5 years or more period?
Any informaion would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!
17 years ago

furthermore, is there a difference between the life expectancy for a person that does psyically hard work (which, I assume, there is alot of in India) and one that works in an office?

In that case I guess guy working in an office would have shorter life span! (Pun intended)
17 years ago
Given the fact that LTA(Leave Travel Allowance) in comming year would be significantly higher than in last year. Also given that one is changing the company and has claimed LTA in two years in current company for 2.5 years stay in current company.
Is there a provision to cancel a LTA claimed in last year and claim for it in the comming year instead.
Is there any way we can do this?

Thanks in advance!
17 years ago
Long back when in school I used to be adicted to this 1 hour reserved for cartoons. The name of the program used to be "Disney Hour" Me and my 4-5 cousins would be all set waiting for Disney Hour to start at 6 PM everyday. It would have cartoons like "Talespin" and others.

Also we were crazed about this strange serial I dont know from where mostly Japan I guess.. It used to be called "Blue Mountain Saga" we were damn adicted to it and never missed a part. Used to have all the kungfu kinda stuff and some magic as well. Was really adictive.

Also there was a time when "I dream of jeannie" and "The three stooges" caught our attention. These too were great especially "I dream of jeannie" was amazing.

Then came the era of Hindi soap serials like "Saas bhi kabhi bahu thi" and what not... and things were never the same...! "Saas" Mother in law fighting with "bahu" daughter in law? Characters dying then taking rebirth , double roles (no multiple roles in fact!) and what not.. some serials would seem to go on for ever.. These were enough to keep us away from the TV set..and really tough rather torturous to follow..

Long gone were the good old days... ha ha..

Now I like watching anything related to planes!
Also "Dog Fights" on Nat Geo I guess is a great show on real life storis of actual dog fights (I mean the planes one! ).
Also a new series comming up "Future Weapons" is also great. Also I like "Click online" and "Wheels". "Just for laughs" on POGO is good too.

Lot of good things but not time to watch!

Thanks for reminding those good old days!
17 years ago

Originally posted by Richard Green:
What does the term 'Moving Parts' mean in software development perspective?

Usage: We must concentrate on the moving parts of the system

17 years ago

Originally posted by Greg Charles:

P.S. There's just no way life expectancy is 55 - 60, even in India.

Life Expectancy in India = 62.5
Some countries have it as low as 37.6! Check link below.
World Life Expectancy Chart

Originally posted by Greg Charles:

I'm also thinking of a sabattical from software as an alternative. My current idea is going to Viet Nam and teaching English. Anyone with me?

Ya! If you are booking my tickets!

17 years ago

Originally posted by Fred Rosenberger:
According to the Wikipedia:

Average Life Expectancy = 67

Please count those extra 7 years as Bonus!
17 years ago