Sri Addanki

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since Apr 27, 2001
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Recent posts by Sri Addanki

Thanks Stuart! Yes, I need to check on the XP Game too.

I apologize for the delay, I just checked your reply.
Hi Mark,

I'm interested in knowing how it worked out at your company.

I'm trying to do the same at my company too.

Any tips? Also, did you check out Mingle from Thought Works?

Thanks and appreciate all your help!

Has anyone used Agitar or Coverlipse? Any feedbacks will help!

17 years ago
Help:- How would you go about these:

1. How do you make sure your code is efficient?
2. What is the one thing you would change in Java Language if you were given a chance?

17 years ago
Can someone help! I'm running into a similar issue with Netscape. The tooltip gets truncated after 75 characters. Is there a work around for this problem?

[ May 02, 2006: Message edited by: Sri Addanki ]
Thanks Steve and Alana!

Yes, I've created the datasource myself and jdbc/test exists. I did the check on the server files too.

Steve, here's the output when I ran dumpnamespace.

thanks, Sri
[ March 29, 2006: Message edited by: Sri Addanki ]
18 years ago

I get the error at this point, in code.

Can someone help me with this? What does this mean?


Detail message:

18 years ago

Originally posted by Scott Selikoff:
Can you open the file outside of WSAD? You could always just create a new web app project and copy the exploded contents of the WAR into the project directory.

Thanks Scott! Actually I did the same to realize that the file was corrupted. When I tried to open it with winzip, I got the file corrupted exception. So, I imported an other .war file, and everything works fine now.

thanks, Sri
18 years ago

I get the following error in WSAD, when I'm trying to import a EAR file or import a WAR file, rather than create a Dyanamic Web project anew.

IWAE0037E: Could not open the war file.

Kyle can you help me.

18 years ago
Can someone help me with server crash fixing.
I get the j9.dmp server crash, when I run my code in WSAD 5.1 in debug mode.
Java version: jdk 1.4.2_07

thanks, sri
[ January 28, 2006: Message edited by: Sri Addanki ]
19 years ago
Stefan, thanks! I was considering the same too.

Because, once the original String is passed as StringBuffer, then it would be like pass by reference and the original value will be modified for good. Which I didn't want to happen.

I would like to modify the existing String and also have the original String. Thanks Any other inputs please...
19 years ago

Originally posted by Jeff Albrechtsen:
If you are editing a small (32K) xml document, why not parse it as a DOM tree and pass that around?

Hi Jeff, I'm not editing an xml document. I only edit an other text file( the size of which is 32kb) and to this I add the xml attributes.

The xml attributes are given to me in a array of HashMap[]. I don't have handle to the xml document.

19 years ago

I have a question on writing a method signature,
whether to pass an argument as a String or a StringBuffer?

The question is in the lines of the performance and also in the lines of
pass by value/reference.

Here's the scenario:

I'm writing a method to parse an xml and add the XML attributes to a file,
And within this file, I insert these values on particular linenumber/offset.

1. The file I get is in the form of a String
2. And in a HashMap I get the xml attributes, values
3. I call the method in a for loop while reading the xml values from the HashMap
4. So each time the method is called, the modified-file is sent as a String? or StringBuffer?
5. The size of the file will be max 32KB.

Can I pass the file as a StringBuffer Object rather than a String to the calling method. As this method is called in a loop several times, it is better to have the file as a String Buffer?

thanks, sri
19 years ago
How abt J2EE with SAP combination, now that even Microsoft is interested in SAP too?
19 years ago

This url should of some help. See this...

Originally posted by San Nan:
Dear All,

Please help me for making a stateless or stateful session bean by using Spring.

Please provide me steps for the same

Thanks & regards

San Nan