andrew pierce

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since Jun 18, 2006
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Recent posts by andrew pierce

OK. This has nothing to do with WebSphere and everything to do with the dom4j API which I was using improperly for an XML document that has an associated namespace.

Sorry for the confusion. I've got enough of that to go around

18 years ago
Seems like this problem kills me every time I need utility JAR's in a J2EE app and I don't know how to fix it. I am writing another MDB that is being deployed into WebSphere 5.1. I need to do some XML parsing. I am using dom4j. It seems that dom4j requires Jaxen for XPath queries.

I have written the code to do the parsing in a small console application (with a main method) for testing. Everything is wonderful there. However, when I put this same code into an EJB Project (using WSAD), and deploy it to the server, it fails. There are no exceptions that I can find; it just fails.

I have included the JAR files (dom4j and jaxen) in the EAR project and set the dependencies in the MDB's project. The strange thing is, the dom4j calls work but the Jaxen XPath calls fail. This tells me the dom4j jar file is deployed correctly but the jaxen jar isn't.

I don't understand what I am missing.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
18 years ago
Congratulations!!! That's inspiring. I am studying too and hoping to take the test (and pass) in January! Hopefully I'll do as well as you. Wish me luck.

18 years ago
I have been going through K&B and feeling pretty good about taking the exam. That was, until I read chapter 7. There is SO MUCH in this chapter. And so much of it is brand new Java 5 stuff.

Just how much of this chapter's contents show up on the exam? I'm feeling kind of inadequate after reading this one.

Viola! It worked. I haven't figured out how to "retro fit" v5.1 as a target server into my existing project. Not a big deal though; it wasn't very large at all.

Now I'm all set for targeting 6.x or 5.1 using RAD!

Thanks again for the assistance.
18 years ago
Aha! Of course! Thanks. I'm running the install right now.
18 years ago
I believe you are on to the problem Kameron. When I start a new "Dynamic Web Project" and click the "Show Advanced" button, there is a "Target server" list. Unfortunately, the only server in the list is WebSphere Application Server v6.0. I can click the "New" button beside this list but that brings up another window with v6.0 as the only available IBM target.

How do I go about adding 5.1?

18 years ago
I recently installed RAD v6.0 from WSAD. I still need to be able to deploy WAR and EAR's to WAS 5.1. Unfortunately, when I export a WAR and try to install it on WAS 5.1, I get an error that says:

* The EAR file could be corrupt and/or incomplete.
* WEB-INF/web.xml

This is a REALLY simple WAR file that I created just as a test.

So the question is, how do I target WAS 5.1 using RAD 6.0? I know this is supposed to be possible I just don't know how.

18 years ago
How do you go about querying JNDI? This seems quite esoteric. For example, I would like to enumerate a list of all JMS objects defined in my JNDI directory. Is there something on the InitialContext that I can use?

Sounds like an interesting title. I have read a bit about using Ajax with JSF. Is that the kind of things your book covers? What other frameworks does it cover? Also, what Ajax Toolkits does it cover?


[Edit by Dave to provide (more) meaningful title]
[ September 19, 2006: Message edited by: David O'Meara ]
Very cool. I hadn't seen this one before. Thanks!
We use CVS to a limited degree. I'm also interesting in using SVN. Is there a clear migration process for CVS repositories to SVN? Also, Eclipse has built in CVS support. Does it have SVN as well?
In hindsight, the initial question was quite subjective. However, when one looks at the "framework landscape", it can be overwhelming. Spending several months learning and evaluating each one can be nearly impossible. To be honest, my company is pretty much exclusively .NET. I am kinda the Java pioneer and I'd love to be able to lead others down the path of enlightenment. Unfortunately, I have a hard time seeing which path is the right one.

Between JSF, Spring MVC, and Struts, I've spent more time with JSF than any of them. Unfortunately not enough to have mastered it.

Thanks again for the additional information and comments.
18 years ago
I am interested in learning more about autoconf, automake, and libtoo as these are essentials on development on Linux. I've worked all along with them, knowing they are there, but not knowing too much about the real power within them. This definitely piques my curiosity. I'll put the book on my Amazon wish list.

Thanks for the additional information.
The only other GCC book I have seen (the GNU one) is really not much more than the contents of the 'man' page. I hope yours is more than that. I am intrigued by a book dedicated to a compiler. It is not billed as a C or C++ primer but specifically about the compiler.

The Amazon descriptions and reviews sound promising. Still it makes me wonder about 500+ pages about the compiler. Maybe I'll win the book and find out!