Srikanth Penta

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since Jun 19, 2006
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Recent posts by Srikanth Penta

When working on aop, what is the difference between Interceptor and AOP and When to use each?
10 years ago
I thought System loader is the universal loader for a JVM and don't know that same class can be loaded with diff. url.
What if the Singleton class is loaded by System loader?
What is the scope of singleton object?

Somewhere I read, it depends on the class loader which we use to load it.
In that case, what are the different cases?

Can anyone please help me?
Sorry for not saying clearly,

I want to display 20 images in single page. Its taking more time. So I want to make that process fast by using threads. i.e want to reduce the loading time of the page.
17 years ago
I want to know how diff. images are loaded using threads to a web page using servlet.

I want to make the loading process fast by using multiple threads. Is it using file io?

Can anyone please give me some idea on this?
17 years ago