fang eve

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since Jun 22, 2006
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Recent posts by fang eve

I have a xml file format in the following format:


I would like to retrieve all the "values", value. How shld i do it? Thanks

my code is:

[ July 17, 2006: Message edited by: fang eve ]
how can i set the maximum file size for uploading. i running on tomcat.
18 years ago
here is my code. i always getting a nullpointerException
18 years ago
i guess is java. my code is

My guess is because of the () for the content.add.. Am i correct?
18 years ago
i am generating a XML file, using java function. I have encounter some problem. When i insert "(" ,")" these 2 character, my XML format will be wrong. How can i escape this character? thanks
18 years ago
Oh ok, thanks

Another question here, i have the string like," a.content", "contents".

i have done a function to remove anything before the full-stop. but however, if i pass in the 2nd string ("contents"), it throws me an error.
How i check the string whether if it contain full-stop?
[ July 11, 2006: Message edited by: fang eve ]
18 years ago
what you mean? i dont get you, do you have sample codes? How to use a Set?
[ July 11, 2006: Message edited by: fang eve ]
18 years ago
Now i understand how split() is being used. I have another problem here. for example my string is aaa,bbb,ccc,aaa.
i want to take out all the elements, but i do not want to have repetition of element.

i want it to be:

the element aaa, only appear once.
18 years ago
i have a string like this: aaa,bbb,cccc

i want to extract out to be like,
aaa, 1st element
bbb, 2nd element
ccc, 3rd element

of a vector. How should i do it?
18 years ago
Ya i read through all the logs, but don't seem to have any problem. I look through catalina.out also, but cant seem to find the problem.
I also have read through server.xml to check the connection timeout, it was set correctly.

I was puzzled why the tomcat is down so often, is like 1 hour will down once. This there any java functions that can trace the tomcat connection time.
18 years ago
My tomcat is install in linux, but it will down very often, how can i check the time that it is down, and also find out what error causes it. Just want to check will logging failed cause the tomcat server to be down?
18 years ago
i need to have 2 drop down list. my 2nd drop down list will change depending on the selection of the 1st drop down.

i know i have to use javascript onChange to change the value, but my drop down list value are getting from database. I dont want to submit the form when onChange().

How can i pass javascript value to JSP or vice versa.. Thanks
18 years ago
I have an excel file, which i want to convert it to xml using JAVA. anyway to do it?

My concept:
The excel is uploaded and the values are inserted into database. I need to grab the header and the values, and generate out 1 xml file. eg

excel file format:
header1 header2 header3
rs1 rs2 rs3
rs4 rs5 rs6

i would like to store the value in Vector either this way [[header1,header2,header3],[rs1,rs2,rs3]] OR

my code is as follow

my desired xml format is

[ July 05, 2006: Message edited by: fang eve ]
[ July 05, 2006: Message edited by: fang eve ]
18 years ago
I would know if there is any functions or method to generate a text file or xml file using JAVA?

My concept:
After the user upload the file,the file format is excel. I would like to take one of the column out and store the data in a xml or text file.

How should i go about it? thanks
[ July 03, 2006: Message edited by: fang eve ]
18 years ago
Ok, how do i check whether the jar file is out of date? i have check the jar file, they are in the correct path, i run the application using localhost, it can find the jar file.

Is only at the server, i gt this error. That make me wonder what is really wrong.
[ June 30, 2006: Message edited by: fang eve ]
18 years ago