David C Mathew

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since Jun 22, 2006
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Recent posts by David C Mathew

hai friends
i have 2 yrs exp in Java , J2ee here my dream companies
1. No in searching Tech
2. best competitor for searching Tech company in mailing services

i am in india how can i enter into my dream company
i have completed SCJP
going to do SCWCD, SCBCD
thanks in advance
18 years ago
thanks jeeavan 100% expectation satisfied.
18 years ago
dear ranchers
My sigle and simple question and doubt is
A H1B Visa holder in India
he not yet visited USA with this visa
now, can he change the employer in H1B visa from India?
that means H1B transfer
is it possible.

thats all
18 years ago
can he transfer H1B from India?
Will New Employer take expenditure for transfer?
How long it will take?
18 years ago
can he tranfer his H1B to new Employer
18 years ago
sorry chu
he got H1B but his employer is not sending him to USA
can he go USA with help of other consultants
because he is having H1B visa
is it possible.
18 years ago
sorry chu
h got H1B but his employer is not sending him to USA
can he go USA with help of other consultants
because he is having H1B visa
is it possible.
18 years ago
hi ranchers my friend got H1B but his employer is not sending me then can he go to us with other consultants is it posiible any replies
18 years ago
yes, yes, yes, yes
yes, yes, yes, yes
yes, yes, yes, yes
yes, yes, yes, yes

syntel is bad software company
syntel is bad software company
syntel is bad software company
syntel is bad software company
18 years ago
this salary is not sufficient to you.
do you have good tech profile and experience.
do you have any dependents in USA or single
are you having family

if you say yes to all questions then you
will suffer a lot.

beaware of it
18 years ago
necessary action should be taken against this kind of companies.

software company shoul be driven by(Professionals not by Stupid fellows)
18 years ago
SYNTEl is already added to black listed software company.
it is not good to join there.
18 years ago

can any one know about minimum wages for an H1B alien.
amount of taxation if he is single.

18 years ago
yes first get onsite experience money should not be a role, you may get than in india
18 years ago
dear ranchers I want to do part time MS in US how much the total cost
18 years ago