ruijin yang

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Recent posts by ruijin yang


Is this a nested transaction? EJB architecture does not support nested transaction.

Originally posted by Juggy Obhi:

Consider we have a client with Transaction context T1 calling a Business method of a Bean with Transaction Context T2. There is one interceptor method associated with the business method.

I want to know in what Transaction Context Interceptor method would get called with T1 or T2? Since in the Books it is mentioned that Interceptor method executes in the same Transaction Context as of the Business method for which it is called.

Another think that i need to know is, in what Transaction Context the Interceptor method would get called with for a BMT Bean.
Since the Transaction Context is not marked outside the busniess method it is defined somewhere within the Bean. How do Container understand in what Transaction Context to perform the execution of Interceptor method in without touching the internals of the Business method. Since the Tx context detail is not marked as annotation above the method.

Please Guide.

Originally posted by Naren Chivukula:
Congratulations Ruijin!

Celebration time buddy...

Can please you clarify me when you say..

Thanks and Regards,
SCJP - 93%
SCJWSD - In Progress


Thank you Naren and Jothi Shankar Kumar Sankararaj.

Now JAX-RPC already evolved into JAX-WS.
[ June 12, 2007: Message edited by: ruijin yang ]
Thank you Roger Redding,Mike Pandey and Raghavan Muthu.

Originally posted by Mike Pandey:

Did questions on API's like SAAJ and other stuff carry any weight?


Hi Mike,

My score report as following:
1.XML Web Service Standards 80%
2.SOAP 1.1 Web Service Standards 66%
3.Describing and Publishing(WSDL and UDDI) 85%
4.JAX-RPC 85%
5.SOAP and XML Processing APIs(JAXP,JAXB,and SAAJ) 87%
6.JAXR 50%
7.J2EE Web Services 57%
8.Security 75%
9.Developing Web Services 83%
10.General Design and Archiecture 100%
11.Endpoint Design and Architecture 60%

The number of API questions is medium. Serval questions are about JAXB.
Some of API questions are about logical steps and some of API questions are very detailed, so we have to understand the meaning of each API and their methods.

Some questions are about XML schema. We can learn XML schema from MZ quide and xyzws guide.

General understanding on every part is also important because some questions are about general understanding.

So we have to understand every part from detail to general, including the blueprint of whole J2EE web services.
Hi guys,

I passed this exam with 76% today, although the score is not very high, I do gain a lot of knowledge from this exam. I got understanding J2EE architecture further and deeper from this exam! Maybe some knowledge is out of date like JAX-RPC, I do think it is still worth to take this exam! Studing new stuff is easy starting from here...

Here, I want to thank MZ and! Especially xyzws, its study guide and mock exam are really excellent. Unbelievably, they are free!

Originally posted by Amit K Srivastava:
Hi Ruijin,

Client handler is something which Webservice client should take care of [Client handler may be enriching soap requests emanating from WS Client with the header information which is supposed to be proccessed by the Webservice's Server handler].
It makes sense for client application's web.xml to capture these information you have mentioned.

Could you please share the idea behind this as i am not so sure why webservice should declare this?

Amit Srivastava..

Hi Amit,

Sorry, I have not idea about your question. I am learning web services and preparing for this exam. Hope someone can answer your question.

Originally posted by hani Ibrahim:
Dear ruijin yang ,

Would you please explain that in more details and is that appear in web services specification or in Vendor specification like Websphere ?

Please read this chapter from XYZWS:

<service-ref> in web.xml:
<description>WSDL Service AttachmentIBMService</description>
<service-qname xmlns fx="">pfx:AttachmentIBMService</service-qname>

<port-component> in webservices.xml:
<wsdl-port xmlns fx="">
[ May 24, 2007: Message edited by: ruijin yang ]

Server-side handler has to be declared using <port-component> element in webservices.xml , client-side handler has to be declared using <service-ref> element in web.xml or ejb-jar.xml.

Originally posted by michael warren:
Just in case anyone is interested I struggled to get this working due to not being sure what QName for the portName to pass to the HandlerRegistry getHandlerChain method.


I come to feel you are very confused about Handler. In fact, there are two kinds of handler. Both are needed to declare in the xml configuation files. One is in the client side, this needs to declare in web.xml:
<description>WSDL Service AttachmentIBMService</description>
<service-qname xmlns fx="">pfx:AttachmentIBMService</service-qname>

Another is in the server side, this need to declare in webservices.xml:
<wsdl-port xmlns fx="">

Hope this help. If there is any error, please correct me because I am preparing for this exam too.
[ April 29, 2007: Message edited by: ruijin yang ]
The following is from I suggest you go to this website and read JAX-RPC section, you will understand.

Steps of coding and building Dynamic Proxy Client
1. Generate Service Endpoint Interface Class
1) runs wscompile with the -import option
2) reads the wsdl file provided by the Web service and generates the service endpoint interface class
2. Create Client Code
1. Creates a Service object
Service helloService = serviceFactory.createService(helloWsdlUrl,
new QName(nameSpaceUri, serviceName));
1) Service object is a factory for proxies
2) Service object itself is created from ServiceFactory object
3) Parameters of createService()
4) URL of the WSDL file
5) QName object
2. Create a proxy with a type of the service endpoint interface
dynamicproxy.HelloIF myProxy = (dynamicproxy.HelloIF)helloService.getPort(
new QName(nameSpaceUri,portName),
1) HelloIF.class is generated by wscompile (at compile time)
2) The port name (HelloIFPort) is specified by the WSDL file
3. Compile Client Code with Service Endpoint Interface class CLASSPATH
4. Package Client to a jar file with SEI class.
[ March 06, 2007: Message edited by: ruijin yang ]

Originally posted by Brian Smith:
All I am asking is how do you get the HelloIF for a client to use? do you get it generated by webservice tools using WSDL?


Hope this help(from

1) Generated stub: Both Interface (WSDL) and implementation (stub) are created at compile time
2) Dynamic proxies: Interface (WSDL) is created at compile time while implementation (dynamic
proxy) created at runtime
3) Dynamic invocation interface (DII): Both interface (WSDL) and implementation are created at
WebSphere Application Server 6.1 supports UDDI 3.0. Currently, SCDJWS is still targeting on UDDI 2.0.

Originally posted by Watsh Rajneesh:
If you are talking about this IBM exam then i feel Sun's exam is better as from what i could make out from the contents of the IBM version its more focussed on development alone and not the design and architecture aspects (Sun's exam has 2 sections devoted to those). Also Sun's exam covers more ground by covering topics like JAXB, JAXR and JAXP (SAX, DOM and TrAX). Its more well organised and covers all essentials for webservice programming and that it covers standard APIs alone (for eg, no UDDI4J here), is the most important point in its favor.


The following url has three parts of web services tutorial.

Originally posted by Devendra Patel:
Hi All
I have been doing some reading for the exam. Here is my problem. Almost all resources give you the source files and directions to build but I haven't come across any example yet that will give you the instructions step by step.

Building using ant is extremely confusing(atleast for a newbie like me) because I cannot find which files were src files are written and which ones were generated. Im also a little confused by code that uses annotations for Web Services, especially when I try to compile them manually....

Can anyone point me to a resource that has simple example as they pertain to the test objectives....


Whizlab is expensive.I don't understand why 3 mock exams cost as much as $89.

Originally posted by Jesus Angeles:
never heard. best bet is whizlab, sun and mikalai zaikin

because you can 'relate' your scores to people who already passed exams, and published their scores, both real and mock, in this website

Hey Rancher,

Did anyone ever use CertifyFirst SCDJWS Mock Exam?