Sandip Sankeshwar

Ranch Hand
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since Jun 27, 2006
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Recent posts by Sandip Sankeshwar

I always hold AK-47.Even somebody says P of pork or B of beef infront of me ,murder counter increases by one.
16 years ago
Not even lollipop?
16 years ago
Those universities need to think.Our thinking won't help.
16 years ago
Those are phone numbers of his three girl friends.
16 years ago
How about visting their website ?

16 years ago
1)Find the costliest restaurant in your city.
2)Invite manager and his family for dinner there.
3)Allow him to drink as much Vodka,Whisky.
4)Make a joke on yourself so that manager will laugh loudly.
5)Quickly respond "I too laughed like this that day.Sorry for that"
If this does not work,start searhing for another company.

16 years ago
It happened to me but it was Pineapple Kesari Bhat instead of eye balls.

16 years ago
What is this 'prepared for worst' . Either you win the lottery or you don't.If you don't you are not going in jail.You will be in India doing the same job.
16 years ago

Originally posted by Rogerio Kioshi:
I'm a good person, a very nice guy.
Why don't I win the lottery?
I deserve it.

Are you talking about H1B lottery?
You are in Brazil? For me staying in Brazil iself is a lottery.
16 years ago
Why do you want to shift to Canada?India currently provides job prospects even in terms of training.
What is that Canada provides which Indian does not? :roll:
16 years ago
Ben dude,now its your time to tell instead of people streteching their imaginations.
16 years ago
If company is paying without any project then whats the problem? Otherwise check for our big companies who can transfer your H1B.
16 years ago