i'm using java 1.4.0. i downloaded servlet-2_3-fcs-classfiles.zip from the sun site. what do i do with it? unzipped it contains a javax folder, which in turn contains a servlet folder. i'm figuring this is what i need to put somewhere in my j2sdk1.4.0 folder. i put it in javax in the src.zip folder in j2sdk1.4.0, but no joy. i get import errors trying to compile servlets. i was using java 1.3 some time ago, and it was a breeze configuring servlets, at least that's the way i remember it. but i had to put java down for awhile. no i am learning and relearning. seems that it was easy to add new apis before, but i'll be durned if i can figure this out. can't find any install instructions on the sun site, i guess they assume you know what you're doing. sadly, it seems that i don't. please help!
[ July 05, 2002: Message edited by: Eric Johnson ]